It is not a local government. I tried to get FAMLI and the FAMLI website said my company specifically opted out. I can't tell you what the company is, but it's huge.

UNLESS your company opts out. Like mine did.

but it’s not an official disability

It's hard to get disability benefits (i.e., stop working), but the ADA covers a LOT in regard to accommodations in the workplace. I wouldn't tell them during the hiring process, but she she absolutely seek accommodations when she gets the job.

Getting/recertifying for food stamps and Medicaid takes FOR. EV. ER.

Like months. They will legit let you starve because they are so overwhelmed but god forbid they curb the bureaucracy.

Yeah they suck. They tried to get me to pay my share for a procedure before they even got authorization for the procedure. They never got authorization, glad I refused to pay the $400 they tried to bully out of me (the phone call with billing was insane tbh).

I'm broke but employed and my insurance doesn't make me stay in one network.

They either don't have them here or the wait time is atrocious. Like ... months to see a pulmonologist even for a serious issue.

Personally, I switched everything to UCHealth because it's convenient and their doctors are far more caring. They explain things and don't mind you doing your own research and asking questions.

I have been diagnosed with several health conditions recently. Been to waaaay too many doctors in the past five months. Getting pretty tired of it, tbh.

AVOID St. Francis. I went there after they first opened a few years ago, not bad at all. But now? Had to go to the ER, they took me to the back and asked how I was going to pay before they even triaged me! Even demanded that I pay before being seen. And I came in with a broken rib. Then I believe in early May ... was supposed to have a procedure done there, they demanded I pay my part of the charge (what insurance didn't cover) BEFORE THEY EVEN GOT AUTHORIZATION FROM INSURANCE. Like, if you're gonna shake me down for cash, at least make sure I'm getting the thing done. lol they didn't get authorization.

tbh anything connected to CommonSpirit ironically all they care about is money. Ironic because they are a religious organization, I get that they need to get paid but don't make me feel like I'm late with the sharks.

AVOID anything to do with Mountain View Medical Group (now Optum). If I could go back in time and never go there, I would have saved myself so much time, energy, and money. They wasted my time, they didn't listen, and one doctor even hit on me.

AVOID Optum Sleep Clinic ... I cannot stress this enough, they are a DISASTER.

I changed everything to UCHealth ... I like Memorial Hospital and even though they're not perfect, they're miles and away better than any CommonSpirit crap. My one big thing with UCHealth is that if they can't do it here, you can get it done up north (i.e., Denver metro area). I've had a couple procedures in Denver because the wait time down here was INSANE.

collect it directly out of taxes after the person has both left college and hit some low threshold of around $30K/year

What's frustrating is that I graduated last year and I really want to work but have not been able to find work. okay well ... I found a hard labor job that I can't really do (I'm older and it is legit killing me). But like ... I will work if you give me work, my college cut me loose, like they couldn't care less what happens to me. These colleges need to start guaranteeing a job somehow.

You were right to do that.

A few years ago, we rented a house from a private owner (we found out later that he had several properties). LONG story but basically: We didn't plan on being there very long so put up with it being a craphole. A very expensive craphole.

We moved in the summer. Had a warm fall. End of November, we turned on the heat and BAM! the furnace tripped the WHOLE HOUSE every time (we could have a couple of small lamps on max). I knew that was messed up, but we were planning on moving out anyways. It was a very old house so I figured there was bad wiring. Then I'm outside, and the neighbor tells me that the whole back of the house burned up about 10 years prior. He seems very concerned about us living there. I go to the fire department. Sure enough, whole back of the house burned down. Electrical fire. House was not still all burned up, so I go to the permit department and find out they didn't get a permit to rebuild burned up part of house. They must have rewired everything themselves and the breaker box was still the original one (put in long after house was built but probably 1940s).

Had problems with the landlord (again, VERY long story) so I called the city and had them come check the house. Electric was FUCKED. So we moved out and we drove by a couple of weeks later and ... LMAO ... they had to redo everything up to code AND had to hire an actual electrician to install electric (truck was out front).

We could have burned up in that house. Thank you for looking out for your fellow citizens.

Lemme see if I can find the citation, but it's my understanding that Castle Rock is the one preventing the train from happening.

Not a Boomer, a Boomer 2.0 (Millennial).

I'm insanely political. I'm also not indifferent.

I'm Gen X so don't fucking speak FOR me, I will tell you when I need you to STFU.

My mom was an elementary and middle school teacher over the years, plus taught private lessons. She still does private lessons now. I was never, ever, ever as important as those kids. EVER.

I disagree. He's not Jimmy Carter. I know so many old people who couldn't care less about the state of the world. You're underestimating how narcissistic that generation is.

My guess would be: A lot of people commute to Denver. That drive is BRUTAL. Add low oxygen due to high altitude and probably untreated sleep apnea. I was recently diagnosed but it took FOREVER, the sleep clinics here are either hot garbage (looking at you, Optum), or it takes weeks or even months to get in. A LOT of people here have sleep apnea.