You can find it somewhere on YouTube it's easier to understand their instead of me

Rolling sparks normally is ass but if you aim it at the ground, it completely obliterates anything. It's mainly op because of how many ways you can buff it. Alexander shard (+15% AOW) lightning scorpion (15% lightning dmg) perfumer talisman (+15% perfume dmg) and a lot more stuff from armor set bonuses and physic tears. You could probably also use the fire perfume and use fire scorpion, but lightning just fit with my build already.

There is a better chance of a bloodborne remake. Multiple sony owned games in the past got remade by bluepoint. Bluepoint is already familiar with fromsoft cuz of demon souls. BB is turning 10 next year so it is slowly getting more and more dated. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

EDP and Dr disrespect (the guy in the image) are both pedos

Man I hate gaius. He doesn't even have a unique theme or a special somber weapon. Unlike other regular smithing stone weapons, the sword lance is just underwhelming imo. Idk about the lore, but why would I be interested in the lore of a shitty boss? It would be fine if he was some random field boss. That would make him much cooler and unique, but the fact that they gave him a remembrance is crazy. Also, did we really need to put 3 remembrance bosses in 1 legacy dungeon? Man I hate Gaius.

The dlc is the food and he is saving midra for last. Messmer just happens to be in the dlc cover image.

The symbol in malikeths boss room. I think it's an older version of the elden ring during ancient times like when placidusax was elden lord but idk. Hopefully someone can clarify.

I ended up using rolling sparks to cheese him. Btw i wasn't trying to prove I'm good. I was using mimic tear. I just didn't want to rob that feeling of accomplishment. With rolling sparks it was still satisfying because I was still rolling all his bs attacks and then doing 1/6 of his health bar.

I don't think you can. I love hard bosses but why tf is fromsoft balancing them around having a shield grease fingerprint shield

Is anyone else here ng+ 2 and beyond having trouble with this boss.SpoilerConstructive Criticism

I feel like consort radahn is just not balanced for ng+ and beyond. My colossal sword with 1761 AR doesn't even make the health bar go yellow. The fight just lasts way too long, and if you make a single mistake in phase 2, it's just over. Yes, I have physical and Holy resistance talismans and 80 vigor. I just don't feel like cheesing him with a shield greesed fingerprint shield and a bleed spear. Any tips?

Yea, I'm not trying to justify the fact that in some countries, you have to wear a hijab or else you'll be abused. I'm just trying to prevent misinformation from being spread. Is that that much of a big deal.

A lot of people here are not realizing that you don't need to wear a hijab if you are with your family.

Source film maker. A thingy that let's you make animations. (I know this from team fortress 2 meme animations, not porn)

This is the second time someone made a post about the map on this image.

Remember that it doesn't just move you out of the way. It gives you i-frames, which I am guessing is equivalent to quick step. Goodluck 👍

Blind spot aow cheeses every single humanoid thing. Put some frost on those things, and he becomes a cakewalk.

Let's play hide and seek. I hide from you, and you seek professional help.

I found colossal weapons really good on her. She doesn't have many openings, so you might as well hit her with the biggest thing you got. Was using moonrithyll knight greatsword power stanced with troll knights great sword. They are really underrated with their C in strength and dex. Perfect for my quality intelligence build. (I'm ng +2 at level 230, so I could afford to go into multiple stats above 50. I wouldn't recommend it for ng +0)

Based on OPs comments, they probably are a child

No because they actually read the comment section where it is explained