I noticed the men, for the most part, would try to keep all the lions in their field of vision with their backs close to the cage. In comparison, the lady seemed like she didn't give a shit about getting attacked lol. It was wild how many times she would just walk to the middle of the cage and her back would be to the other lions.

Which is insane, because the main consumer of women basketball has always been white men lol

By core, do you mean players or fans? Yeah, most WNBA players are black women. But if you think the main demographic of WNBA consumers have been black women then you couldn't be further from the truth

What? You definitely did not bother to listen/read any sort of context, but I guess some people just jump at any chance to bash a woman.

I have a cousin that works in information gathering for the state. His team's job is basically maintaining trail cams, tags, etc. So his day to day can range from sitting behind a desk and updating excel spreadsheets to hikes that take over a day to spot check a device.

It's funny though, he used to be a believer in cryptids before the job (His interest in Big Foot is what actually got him started on his career). But now he thinks it's an impossibility for something like that to exist in the U.S.

It instantly reminded me of that infamous internet fight about days in a week

"That makes no sense. There are only 7 days in a week"

I've had two pairs of their plain shorts for a few years now and I love them. They're comfortable and they've held up incredibly well even after very frequent use.

I've always been contemplating trying something else from the brand, but they have so much goofy looking shit that it turns me away lol

Idk, I cannot stomach the man after that one interview on Jay Leno's show. There's no way that sort of behavior just springs up out of nowhere

Maybe it was my ADHD, but I really struggled when I took days off. My productivity plummeted when I returned to work because it would take me so long to get back into the groove.

I always compared it to driving: working and then taking a day off felt like bumper to bumper traffic. My brain worked much better when I could just spread out my work over the entire week.

I've always seen it work like this: you have unlimited vacations, but you have to go through an approval process to use them. Some stipulations have usually been requesting the PTO earlier depending on the days that you are requesting (Ex. getting it approved 1 month prior to a few days of vacation, 2 months prior if it was a week long vacation, etc.). Another common one is centered around deadlines (Ex. you cannot schedule PTO one week before or after a big deadline).

I've worked at a place where it was a HUGE pain in the ass to get things scheduled. But I've also worked at a place where it was an absolute delight. They didn't give a shit what you did as long as you finished your work.

I'm torn about how I feel about him, but I cannot get behind your right-wing rhetoric. That's the mentality that is responsible for all these disgusting for-profit prisons.

What's the point of serving a sentence if you cannot rejoin society afterwards?

Making up stories is one level of cringe, but OP trying to back track because the story was poorly written is on another level lol. The edits trying to make us not feel sorry for Ole Joe are just silly.

And OP is refusing to address the huge plot hole that was needlessly introduced. Because if one of the father's coworkers was golf buddies with Ole Joe then the truth would instantly come out:

Dad's coworker - "You're dating his daughter? You never mentioned having a girlfriend"

Ole Joe - "Uhh not really, we just met at a bar"

Dad's coworker - "Well shit, that's what she told her dad. And what's this I hear about a boat? When did you have a boat?"

Ole Joe - "A what now? I don't know what the hell she's talking about and this story is stupid as hell. A "kink" is such a lazy plot device. What are the chances OP just happens to run into someone at a bar that is old, rich, has a specific kink needed for this very specific situation, AND knows one of her dad's coworkers for extra embarassment!?"

Dad's coworker - "uhh what?"

Roll credits

It's insane how little research they do. And I don't mean analysis on advanced statistics, but just simple Google searches lol. I get that some of them just do podcasts for fun, but it's wild how lazy they can be.

That clip of Sheryl Swoopes on Gil's podcast is making the rounds and she's getting dragged through the mud for all the false things that she said about Caitlin Clark (and rightfully so). But Gil obviously thought the very same thing lol.

Like bro, if you want to talk about something on your pod then just do some simple fact checking if you're going to build your talking point around it. Just sloppy af

If it were men, they’d just say, “they’re working it out on the court”

I disagree. The NBA is full of drama and the fans/players love it lol. Most recently, a team boycotted appearing on a VERY popular show because the show brought on another player to co-host (this player is known for pettiness, insecurity, and being a dirty player).

I disagree. Almost every Pokemon Go influencer had some sort of clickbait "call out" on remote raids, it was definitely not just a few. Is there an example of one of them that didn't do it?

Because why not? They certainly weren't getting fined or censored by Niantic for "Hear us, Niantic" content. Instead, they just raked in views and money for being "brave" and "standing up against Niantic". The audacity to call for protests, while still remote raiding was insane behavior.

Wow, what a rabbit hole to dive into. I had no idea the organization was so large. As I'm reading into this, I can't help but see the irony in all this. Because they sound very similar to issues that religions like Christianity go through

Unless you're white and rich. If there is such a thing as modern-antebellum then it exists in places like Jackson. There are old money neighborhoods and their residents basically own everything, it's insanely dystopian.

Someone else mentioned that Stevie was one of the toughest receivers to defend (maybe it was Sherman?). They said he ran his routes like he on an And1 mix tape lol

Exactly. And they get money from their viewers too. So they'll perform lip service and use clickbait titles to make it seem like they are on the player's side, but they don't give a damn about anything as long as they get their money.

It was a bit pathetic to see the lot of them milking the remote raid stuff for their own benefit

How tone deaf can you get. There are examples after examples in this thread of cops literally torturing/killing people and you have the gall to think that victims can "just leave"? These sick fucks don't give a damn about your constitutional rights.

No, it's really not that simple. You're seeing example after example of horrific shit that cops have done and you're telling us that all of it can be easily avoided by asking for a lawyer? C'mon man, get that blue boot out of your mouth.

Some of these victims were dealing with people who literally watched them die and your solution is basically giving the cops the silent treatment? Either you're trolling or brain washed by right wing media

And that's what he said lol. It's just whoever made this tweet decided to crop his answer like that.

But yeah, he's cultivated an image of being a sore loser in this very series so it's going to be tough to shake that (and rightfully so)

His reaction was hilarious; you can see him spark to life

The guy sitting next to Crockett takes a big swig of his drink because he knows shit is about to go down lmao

He definitely looked like the best player out there in the 4th. I get that they are back-ups, but I was perplexed at how sloppy it got. Luka was just feasting lol