
Bicycle Brewing or Bicycle Cidery & Bar in Østerbro (Brewery)
Tap 21 in Fredriksberg
Væskebalancen in Nørrebro
Dammbergs Ølmagsin in Nørrebro (Danish Craft Beers only)

Agree, very slow! I am still in secondary fermentation. Will rack soon again.


I am using the same yeast (Verdant IPA) for a melomel with berries and seems very slow. Pitched 2.5 grams (hydrated with GoFerm) in 3L and did Ferm O and DAP for 24, 48 and 72 hrs.
26-11: 1.113
28-11: 1.100
29-11: 1.088
14-12: 1.041
20-12: 1.040 Racking today

I have used this calculator: https://www.reddit.com/r/mead/comments/17ii71q/meadtools_allinone_mead_calculator/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 

It has calculations for most fruits, honey, yeasts & does the nutrients. Still finding out how accurate it is since it's my first time making a mead.

We grow quite a lot of varieties (20 - testing what will work best), most of the plants we have are Chinook, Centennial and Fuggle. We have 110 plants in total.

Finished our trellis and stringing today + first signs of life
  • Our trellis, stringing + the first signs of life are showing at ByHumle (our association) in Copenhagen, Denmark. Anybody else growing some hops up in Scandinavia?


At Carlsberg Brewery they had an elephant / next to the horses for pulling the carts. "An elephant has been housed at the Carlsberg's stables. It was an elephant from Switzerland who had come to Copenhagen for breeding" https://www.carlsberggroup.com/news-archive/carlsberg-s-elephant-turns-55/ Think the elephant went to the zoo after they closed the big stables.

I am up for some fishing and beers! Did cod fishing in the harbors/inner city and oresund.
Still need to catch trout and salmon. I fish with a spinning rod.

Any update on this?

I am interested:)

I used CPH Easy Transport twice, for only transport they charge around 300kr per hour. Think they also do helping/lifting.

I didn't see them on flightradar or adsb but seen the planes. Think it's because of the birthday of the queen.

From there website: It is worth mentioning that Amager Bakke is publicly available within our business hours, which means you can go up the Garmin Track, the trail systems, the staircase and the elevator for free. This is of course subject to events as well as wind and weather. Enjoy the various activities that are going on at the hill and get yourself a refreshment at the top.