What is a good option for a first credit card if I plan to make many trips from Europe to America? Help Needed / Question


I’m 21 years old and not the most credit card savvy but I’d like to have my own. I have a credit history as I have been on my parents card for a few years and my credit score is 700. I have a discover savings account and was considering their student card, but I am also planning on moving to Europe in the next 2 years and would benefit from from airline points to help make trips to visit America. The discover card does seem really tempting at least for the first year but I’m not sure which is worth it.

“Report, Block and close the app” is similar to rules that I was taught in middle school during those “internet and computer” classes. Basically just saying “if your being bullied just block and ignore it”. It’s seen as dumb advice as cyber bullying continues to have real life consequences and doesn’t really stop the bullying as it places the responsibility on the victim. This meme is making fun of this method

? I’m not really sure why u think I’m lying about my German level. I said I’m at the beginning of A2 not passing it- it would be very difficult to take several German classes and live in the country for a year without at least being able to get past A1. To be fr I think you need to find a better school for German bc you should not still be at A1 after 7 months of immersion. I appreciate the resources tho

What is the ideal German learning routine when you have a lot of time on your hands?Question

Hello! My goal is to have a B2 certificate in the next 1 1/2-2 years, right now I’d say I’m just starting A2. I studied abroad in Germany for a year with 0 German knowledge and took many German classes but it was hard for it to stick for me as I was placed in classes far above my level (program rules not my choice) and became confused. I know that total immersion is one of the best ways to learn German but as of now that’s not possible, which is why I’d like to gain my B2 certificate in order to go the the school of my choice in Germany. My partner speaks better German than me and we both try to talk German to each other but I can’t rely on them being available to talk 24/7. I also have a bunch of A2 learning books I got for free, but I do struggle to pay just sit down with those for hours so any creative ideas would be welcome! I also have a few books completely in German from my time in Germany!

Right now I am on summer break in between college semesters (my college doesn’t over German :( ) and I don’t start my job for another few weeks, even then I’ll have a lot of time on my hands. I wanna go hella hard on German this summer , like i don’t mind spending most of my day doing something German. I am just trying to keep myself interested. what the best routine I could build for myself while I have all this time?

Can you study German language and then your degree at German uni?Question

I want to study my masters in Germany but i am still working on my German. most programs have a language requirement, and most of the better masters are taught in German, I’m also concerned that studying my masters in English will prevent me from getting a job later in Germany. I’ve been told that you can attend a university by studying German and than once your German is at a high enough level you can then study your masters. Is this true or is there anything similar to this? I’d prefer this over just attending a language school for visa reasons Thanks!

Best place for quick to-go breakfast ?

Hi! I’m looking for recd small bakeries/donut shops in the midtown area that have good to-go breakfast options. Like brekky sandwhiches/kolaches/burritos ect. I’m looking for something more savory than just donuts!

Thanks so much!

How is the apartment market for students? Are the requirements very strict?

Hello, I am considering moving to Berlin in the future to study my masters degree. (Not for sure, just looking into my options). Where I live in the USA the housing market is crazy, rent prices are at an all time high and it’s increasingly difficult to rent an apartment with all the requirements. Like credit, previous rental history, high income requirements. And the job market is even worse. I have lived in Germany before for a study abroad year and was lucky enough that the program organized housing with subsidized rent in a Studentenwohnheim. So my rental experience is not really the norm.

I came to ask what it is like to rent an apartment in Berlin. What are the average rent prices for a studio/ one bedroom apartment? What utilities are usually included in the rent? Are their strict qualifications to be able to rent an apartment? Are people finding it difficult to obtain housing and jobs in Berlin at the moment?

Any information would be so helpful!

Nothing for me either, I feel like I’m gonna go crazy :/

Vagina hurts after peeing or having sex-not burning!

I feel like I have a weird situation so let me lay out the timeline:

Me and my partner did not have sex for like 2 weeks and in this time I was feeling like a really weird irritation on In my vagina after peeing. Like it kinda hurt into my bladder but went away after a bit, I have had this happen before but it usually resolved itself within a day. Then me and my partner had protected sex and it was all fine and then we tried to have it again the same day and it hurt like a bitch, I peed and after a few minutes it went away. We determined the glycerin in the lube was probably irritating me. Since then I had started birth control and went like a week break from sex due to the irritation. We then had unprotected sex like twice and it hurt but to a lesser degree. During all this time I was taking frequent baths but as of this week have now stopped and am using summers Eve soap and chugging water like a mf. Just yesterday we tried to have sex again and it really hurt.

It’s gone on for a few weeks so I’m don’t think it’s a UTI as I feel it would be a lot more painful/more developed by now. But I don’t know what else it could be. Discharge is all normal and stuff. I’ve felt this irritation semi-frequently before but it really usually went away fast, it had never stuck around for affected sex for this long.

Can anyone recommend a book with a collection of well-known German poems?

Hello! I'm looking for a gift for my partner. I'm looking for a poetry book that has a collection of well-known/famous poems in Germany. it would be best if the book was entirely in German, I've come across some books that also include English translations for learning but I'd love a book that comes from Germany. Poems or poets from surrounding German-speaking countries would also be fantastic!

Thank you very much if anyone has any recommendations!

Is Brazilian or European Portuguese more efficient to learn?General Discussion

I’m interested in learning Portuguese, my goal is to one day move to Portugal in order to study. Obviously it sounds like learning European Portuguese would be the best way to go about learning but I have a few questions.

I would also like to be able to communicate in Brazilian Portuguese speaking countries if possible. But I know both the languages have many differences that can make that difficult. How difficult is it for Brazilian speakers to understand European speakers and vice versa?

I also know that Brazilian Portuguese is much more common with many more speakers. As well as being easier to learn and having alot more resources. If I learned Brazilian Portuguese and moved to Portugal would I find my self trying to relearn a whole new language? (Of course I expect some learning curve)

So what do you think would be more efficient, learn European Portuguese and try and use that to navigate a Brazilian speaking country? Or to learn Brazilian Portuguese and try and navigate a European speaking country?


"not trying to be a dick"

*Proceeds to be a dick*

In many classes you don’t use these book at all. Honestly just wait until the professor tells you that you you’ll be going over x chapter of x book. You can always buy the book online when you need it and it’s often cheaper. Z-Library also has many many free textbooks to download

I would email housing. Most dorms do mixed-gender floors but some will have a woman-only floor, do some research and find out if your dorms offer it.

People will probably notice if you do it every day, but honestly, I couldn't imagine anyone really cares. People will probably ask eventually, and if you're just wearing suits for the fun of it they might think it's a little weird. But I have personally never cared enough about someone in my class's personal life enough to question why they like wearing suits for fun.

But if you're wearing the suit bc you don't have time to change for your job or something people will understand and not care.

It's a drink, make it as fancy or as lazy as you want! Its for your enjoyment and acting like there's a wrong way to do it is weird lmao

Women were also oppressed in the farm times dude. There’s was no time for gender wars when your beating your wife

Yeah man I’m a modern angry feminist, you caught me. I’m sorry that you can’t see saying “most female comedians are bad” is a sexist statement. My bad though, your totally allowed to generalize all female comedians as bad based on a few. But damn if I say “typical of men” based on your sexist statements, I must be the shitty person.

I really don’t think that’s true people just expect men to do that kinda shit. A group of women doing some dumb shit will not get the same positive reaction as men doing dumb shit.