I think a very minor subset of BOTW players would also play DND and know enough about home brewing characters to help. I'd recommend asking in the DND subreddit.

To offer my opinion if he already has gust of wind then a ranger is all he needs to be but you'll need to work with your dm on how you can create him to best fit their rules.

I don't drink at all outside of having a drink or two at gatherings because it's the culture.

So, no. But I don't drink it to get drunk anyway :)

Oooo, localised currency or USD?

Probably some new shelves for the lounge and a really cool Lego set. If not those then a really awesome jacket, a couple new tees and some games that I've wanted to buy for a little bit :D

I'm waiting for 2's full release to play it so I'm yet to form any opinions but in Hades 1 it was the heroes of Elysium! I think I beat Hades himself on my second try but it took me 5 or so tries to get past them for the first time.

I was in New Zealand for the bulk of COVID, Auckland was pretty dang good at following the rules. Nobody was really leaving their houses and if they were it was for groceries or something like having a beer outside at another person's house.

I reckon we'd be able to get the situation under control pretty easily.

Being from Australia as well as NZ, Australia wouldn't do as well I feel. People were a lot more reluctant to follow lockdown rules. WA was pretty good but eventually caved and let in the rest of the states and then COVID blew up :/

Ruta, Medoh, Rudania, and Naboris.

In master mode I did Medoh, Naboris, Ruta, Rudania.

Probably not a very big feat but I beat Skylanders giants in one day. It would have been one sitting but I had to go back to my mum's in the middle. BUT as soon as I got home I went straight back to playing. I finished the game in about 12 hours :D

How would I know! That's what the big guy said in the post credit scene.

It was that she burned a hole through a rug! They reveal it in a post credit scene :)

Although I definitely did notice that her emotions are very unique compared to the others we saw. Even her friends had set in stone hair styles to their emotions!

I think it's turn based strategy games for me. I'm a big boardgame guy, love them to pieces, the longer they are, the better.

But I cannot STAND the likes of Civ, Stellaris, age of wonder, etc. etc. I just can't stand them, my brain loses all desire to do anything if I get stuck playing one. Even though they look so enticing :/

Have you tried Inscription, Slay the spire, Belatro, Marvel snap, etc.? They're all bangers and are very well made.

The first act of Inscription is easily one of my favourite deck builders ever. And marvel snap is a really easy to get into mobile deck builder that's actually really fun and has great strategy components.

I don't actually have a song stuck in my head at the moment!

I did last week but I don't remember what it was anymore and it wasn't annoying to have on repeat, I enjoyed it :D

A bunch of highly irradiated creatures that rapidly mutated following their slightly more limited exposure to radiation compared to other states in America would toootally survive right?

Nope, they probably all started dying out pretty quick. I'm definitely curious about the more... Complex creatures. I'd love to see Mothman and other cryptid type creatures return in future games, they seem like they're a part of something bigger.

I'd be curious to see where the factions residing in West Virginia ended up, because I'm sure they just migrated once it didn't have much left to offer them. When we get to the other modern games ~ 200 years later generations of people have passed through the ranks of these various guilds and they've probably been involved in countless wars, disasters and other various fucked up things the wasteland has to offer. It's no wonder we never heard about them. The only surviving faction actively residing in WV would probably be the enclave in their bunker.

I'm sure it can also be explained as simply as; Fallout 76 didn't exist until it did so none of the relevant creatures or guilds were present in previous games because they hadn't been created yet.

Why is that one guy going mental in the comments of this thread LMAO.

To answer your question, because that's their function. Sure cosmetically they might not want the shoes to get creased but if they want to wear them what other way is there?

The flash (and either reverse flash or mirror master depending on who you ask), it means we get the multiverse and weird extra-dimensional forces at play >:)

Wasn't the specific stipulation related to work saved into the Adobe cloud? As far as I'm aware any work you do that's local to your PC won't be accessible by them right?

Loving it! So refreshing to have some classic formula DW episodes with such a refreshing cast that just breathe life into the show!

I'm just super upset that we're already up to the finale :/

I'm waiting for 2 to fully release before I play so I'm still playing 1!

I'm not a die hard "32 heat or nothing" player, but I am on course to unlocking all the weapon aspects now. I've cleared the game over 20 times with at least 1-5 on each weapon, have all the keepsakes but I'm waiting for all of the legendary keepsakes to unlock ~

I've gotten the true ending so I'm really just playing because I enjoy it hehe

Without definitely has a stronger visual coherency!! The lines are a bit too clunky, I'd maybe try out varying line weights or a non mono weight brush. Maybe try not to use black if you want to make it work :))

When botw came out I was 14 turning 15, so I'd played my fair share of games by that point but I was stil young and not the best.

I think one of my favourite parts of botw was just running in, failing, dying, respawning, repeat. It's important to know that there are absolutely no repercussions for dying over and over again. Running away from big scary dudes is entirely viable and if you want to there's absolutely no shame. But it's worth knowing that if you die over and over there are no negative consequences for you, and over time you'll slowly learn how to fight these scary dudes :)

That's very sweet and I love the illustrations but I'll be the bad guy and jump in to say that it looks like it say "Sweet Be". Really nice though!

It's important to consider the direction we tend to read in from left to right :)

I'm gen Z, I was at my mum's for mother's Day and the elderly neighbour had a bunch of their grandkids around. They were all easily 11 and under, maybe 12. They just sounded like a broken record of tiktok audios and what you've dubbed as skibidi slang.

Please don't associate the bulk of gen Z with them lol.

Does it really matter? I grew up on gen 4 and 5 and adore them, so did people with 3, 2 and 1. So did people who grew up with 6,7,8 and 9 etc. the games hold a lot of charm and nostalgia for a group of people so they're beloved by them :D

There's also a mega culture in Booragoon Westfield (garden city), so depending on where you're staying either are good options!

It kind of looks like the royal crest/ wings that sit underneath the Triforce in some iterations?