I would assume murdering and dismembering people is a pretty good workout

If your boyfriend is 7 years older than you and you feel like you’re taking care of a toddler, get out! That man should be an adult by now and you’re too young to have to deal with that BS! I know it’s hard, especially considering how long you’ve been together, but it’s better to end it now than to stick it out and get a divorce 10 years down the road.

Oh my dear Christ his insecurity is so so obvious. I know you might love him but I was dating a guy for 4 years and thought I’d marry him until his jealousy came out. It was suffocating and controlling my life and giving me anxiety, and it wasn’t even this obvious. Tbh, I’d get out of this relationship if I were you. If you have any male friends or coworkers, he’ll be jealous of them. He will see every single male as a threat. And he will blame you for that and make you feel like you’ve done something wrong when you haven’t. People like this are absolutely exhausting and usually not worth it. Good luck!

Fuck this guy. I’d recommend getting rid of him then getting your tattoo (or vice versa but I’d ditch his ass ASAP). He’s being extremely rude and generally offensive. Then acting like you’re overreacting, it’s very manipulative.

For the record, I love the tattoo idea and think it will look AMAZING!! But if it’s your first tattoo, make sure you look around for a good tattoo artist so they don’t ruin your vision with poor skills haha

I know you said you blocked your ex in another comment but god I want to see his reply to this shit. What a horrible friend.

CANCELLED!! How dare he cheat on La Croix

NTA!!! Sometimes you need to make someone feel stupid for them to realize they’re being stupid!! Anyone who has handled a gun knows you don’t point a gun directly at anyone ever (unless you are meaning to shoot them obviously). Your friend shouldn’t have handed the gun over to someone who didn’t know how to handle it. I’d say she and your friend were extremely negligent in letting that happen. Please tell your girlfriend she needs to either learn how to handle a firearm properly or she needs to stay away from them. This is exactly how accidental shootings happen and she could’ve killed you since she clearly has no idea what she’s doing with a gun. Scary.

I’m pretty sure this guy has a crush on you and is being a dick because he’s upset you don’t like him back. Very entitled vibes

You could try a pet DNA kit that breaks down your pet’s breed by percentages

For some reason I think Dutch and Weaver would be a really cute combo

It’s not the best tattoo ever, but I don’t think it’s worth removing. I think it’s silly but it’s cute. Most people are saying the placement is bad, which I think is correct aesthetically-speaking, but it’s an ideal spot for a tattoo that isn’t your favorite since you’ll basically never see it unless you try to and you can cover it with your hair. My first tattoo was a big colorful snake on my forearm that I got on a whim and after I got it I realized how dumb it was to make that my first tat, but I love it so much now!

Well she’s quite dumb and insecure. Even if it was a sexy photo, the issue is with her “man” and she doesn’t want to accept that.

I like the medium thin best! I think it suits your eye shape well

I’m sorry, everyone deserves to have their accomplishments celebrated by the people they love. For what it’s worth, the internet it proud of you! Three promotions means that you’re a valuable asset to the company and they want to invest more in you. Thats huge! Big congratulations from this internet stranger!

Also assuming it’s a girl because I don’t see a giant ballsack but I’ve only owned girl rats so idk if baby boy rat’s sacks are as obvious

It looks like a wild rat, but the fact that it walked right up to you and let you capture it makes me think it might not be.. or perhaps she’s sick? Do you have other rats? If not, I’d try keeping her and giving her food and water to see if she’s good. But definitely don’t mix her with domestic rats as they could get sick. I’d also avoid too much touching without gloves, just in case the little baby is sick

Yes, it’s ridiculous to suggest upending your lives and moving across the country for no good reason. However, you’re being incredibly dismissive and stubborn for not even considering this conversation. Your husband is stating fear that he might be at risk of losing his job and your uncle offered him a job in South Carolina- it’s not that unreasonable to consider. Other than your family, what is keeping you where you are? Does your family help with child care or are you a SAHM? I think that info could be helpful, but you 100% need to work on your communication.

Stuarta is an ugly ass name and if I was a child, before I gained the understanding of what’s right and wrong, I’d definitely make fun of a kid for that name. Your husband needs to think about how that name would affect your child. Maybe her middle name can be Stuart or Stuarta. I have a female friend whose middle name is Paul after her dad and I think that’s really cute!