I currently live in NW Ohio and I may be taking a job in Michigan soon. I will have a choice between Waterford and Lansing for my duty station. Being more familiar with the Detroit metro area and Oakland county my initial reaction was to choose Waterford. After looking at housing costs I am now torn between the two. My wife and I would be renting for a while until we sell my mother-in-law's condo and move her in with us and buy something. We have two high energy dogs that are nice but need a yard.

So I thought let's check out reddit and see what the Michiganders on the internet have to say. We're asking for thoughts about comparing the two, Oakland county and the Lansing area. Pros, Cons, etc. Thanks for any information that people can give us.

Nothing smaller than a D cup bra. People have their preferences and for me large breasts are what I am attracted to and without them I just can't get turned on.

Playing one now in a Curse of Strahd campaign. The core feature is random but it's something you load beforehand like a portent roll. So you don't burn the bonus action. Just roll it out of combat. It's the first thing I do when we finish a rest since it resets. Sure, sometimes it doesn't exactly work out in the best case but I've never rolled something I couldn't use. Sometimes you load one up and then encounter a situation you weren't expecting that it's perfect for. The downside is that you end up not giving out bardic inspiration because you want to save them for Tales from Beyond. I accept that my bardic inspirations are just fuel for my Tales feature though so it's not a problem for me. I'm not afraid to burn one by using it quickly or just rerolling another tale if I must. My character is fairly selfish though so it fits not to inspire anyone else. Not to mention many of the Tales are beneficial and are better than one roll on the bardic inspiration dice.

I'm 5th level and I went with the magic initiate (sorcerer) feat to get a couple offensive cantrips. For my bard spells I'm playing more control than anything so I have spells like suggestion, slow, silvery barbs. Plus I'm the healer so I took healing word. Guidance with a range of 60 feet instead of touch is really nice subclass feature.

Because mind your business and don't fuck with people is why.

I hate these "prank" scumbags. I would beat the shit out of someone randomly jumping out at me.

Why are you looking for permission from strangers on the internet to decide who you hang out with? That's insane!

I don't allow evil alignments unless it's somebody I know can handle playing an evil character without breaking the party. The only other reason to ban anything would be due to setting/story reasons. The people that ban things because of so-called OP race/class/etc. are just not very good DMs. I don't understand why people are afraid of powerful PCs.

Witnesses are notoriously unreliable. Video footage is much, much, much better.

Fuck him, get a real job and follow the rules of the road.

Sounds like it's time to kill a dog then. Antifreeze and bologna sandwich will do the trick.

Why did that one guy stop? You can't swerve at him because that would end up on camera somewhere and screw you. If he comes straight at you and you just maintain speed and are lucky enough to splatter his ass, you gotta take the opportunity!

It'll only take a few stitches to sew that up. Easy peasy.

That's not how the game works at all? What are you even playing because it's not D&D. Do any of you know how to play?

Weak minded people find anything to fake being offended by to make themselves feel special and try to force that on others. It won't make sense so don't try.

In the only campaign that I'm running right now he would offer only the chance to serve as a living human for a little while longer. You will serve through undeath for eternity regardless, but if you can prove yourself worth the pain in the ass to allow you to serve before death then you can continue to have thoughts and do things like taste food and take breaths. Enjoy these pleasures now while you can.