I thought we couldn’t rename coaches/coordinators?

I can’t speak for what he meant specifically but I added the HE cards to a few different decks when it came out: pure HE, lockjaw casino, toxic decks with hazmat/luke cage, etc

Your immediate supervisor doesn’t always have a say in what raise you get. It seems in this situation, the tone of the text message was joking about small raises and the temp boss said sorry and he’ll fix it… with donuts as a joke.

Loki decks absolutely farm the Gilgamesh zoo decks that we are seeing everywhere. If you have quinjet and get a 3 cost Gilgamesh and a 3 cost blue marvel with a ton of other 0 costs it’s just free cubes.

I know nothing about spiders, but is it in a defensive stance in the 2nd pic?

I had my account hacked by someone from this guys country, very shady place!

When artillery kills a stack, it gets to attack immediately again so I don’t think this works anymore

The damage your artillery does is not affected by the troops you stack it with. You have 10 artillery so you should be doing ~80 damage with every volley assuming they are at full health.

Welcome to supremacy haha, many of us can only play 4x or more because the 1x are just so slow

This is just untrue. You don’t need any specific hardware to run a node, a 10 year old pc can run one. Additionally there are multiple hardware companies for bitcoin miners out there including Bitmain, FutureBit, and MicroBT just to name a few.

True but you have to draw and play armor before they can shang while you can play PF after they shang. I’ve seen some people teching PF in high infinite and it’s not terrible

I think you are confusing nodes with miners. Miners do not control the rules of the architecture.

He’s right though, while it’s technically not impossible to increase the bitcoin supply, it is practically impossible because everyone who runs a bitcoin node (tens of thousands) would have to agree to it and due to bitcoin’s architecture and model there would never be an incentive to do that.

Honestly not sure, could be better to play black widow so you could go Selene + Widow on 4

It could also affect Zabu, negasonic, Alioth, and Shang if they are hit by Selene

Have you tried turning it off and back on again

They each have their own drop tables so you can target farm specific uniques

:missouri: Missouri

As a Mizzou fan I have mixed feelings about your comment

But he isn’t wielding the infinity in the first pic, it’s in his inventory