I'm the guy volunteering in Ukraine who has had his account locked for 2 years. It was suggested to me that I file another complaint with CFPB. I didn't want to do this because the last time I did this, some guy from Gemini s×pport threatened to close my account. I haven't heard from him since and the typical s×pport agent followed up saying they won't close my account.

Anyways, I filed another complaint, but I wanted to post on reddit that I did it so there is at least some sort of public pressure to stop Gemini s×pport from sending me another veiled threat.

If anyone has any questions on how to write a complaint on CFPB, feel free to ask in the comments. I'll also post my complaint in the comments so you all can read it. Cheers!

Edit: lmfao can't use the word s×pport in a post, but there's a flair for s×pport. What a shit show.