Yeah, my aunt was cheated on by her husband. She agreed to take him back, provided he never did that again. He did it again and they are divorced now.

Yeah I’ve never had a doctor tell me that and I’ve never heard of it being a thing. That sounds like a rationalization for a drinking habit that your friend probably knows is going in the wrong direction. The only time I’ve ever heard of a doctor telling someone to drink, was my brother. He was a severe alcoholic and it was literally unsafe for him to stop drinking because it would cause him to have seizures because of the withdrawals. Alcohol triggers them for me, plus it also causes dehydration and is a depressant, so it really doesn’t make sense, from multiple perspectives, for a doctor to suggest using it as a remedy. I think your friend is probably not being honest.

Oh yeah, this kind of my new hobby, I love it! I got my FLF, fifty percent off for $12. It’s a decent size for the price. She just needed a bit of cleaning up and some water and now she is gorgeous 🥰

Yeah, mine was similar when I bought it from my local grocery store. It wasn’t getting enough water or light and the leaves were really dirty. A good clean and watering later, she is happy as a clam. 😊

I’ve had to explain this before to clients and bosses when I was at work and had a migraine hit. I forget simple, everyday words and either can’t string a sentence together or get the order of the words mixed up. I usually say something along the lines of an “I apologize, I have a migraine” or “could you repeat that please, I have a migraine and missed that last sentence etc” if my brain is having trouble processing information. I do this if it’s clear that I’m getting my words mixed up (or forgetting a word etc)while trying to speak to them. I have found people to be very understanding. I know that’s not the case for everyone, but I find being very upfront about it helps because it gives an explanation that you are having a medical event, rather than leading people to believe you are unprepared or don’t care about the quality of your work. I also bring my Zofran and my abortive meds to work just in case, that way I can also say, “I’m waiting for my migraine meds to kick in” or something along those lines. That way they know you are being proactive about treating the issue.

It can have to do with not keeping clean enough, if you are sweaty and don’t change out of the clothes you were sweating in (like workout clothes). Sweat and heat (a warm, damp environment) is pretty much the perfect environment for yeast to grow in. I’ve had it happen while wearing a sports bra during warm weather. I went for a long walk and then ran errands in those same clothes. Apparently that was enough to do it. Kind of gross, but it can happen. Have never done that again.

Yeast loves sugar and Gatorade has a lot of it. That’s why you add sugar or honey to the yeast sometimes when making bread. It’s there to feed it and help it grow

Thank you for the explanation! I did wonder if part of his reaction cultural, but it sounds like, cultural or not, it’s definitely not healthy behavior and it is definitely abusive. I feel bad for OP.

I tried it for over a year with little to no results. I actually had to tactfully push to try something else but the difference between regular botox and the one I get now is night and day. From the very first injection I could feel the muscles relaxing. A lot of people have that experience with regular botox, I never did. I don’t know why it works better for me, but I tend to be really sensitive to medication, so maybe that has something to do with it.

It’s weird to me that he’s angry and considering divorce, considering she funds their lifestyle. Obviously he likes living that way, so why he would get upset about her commitment to her job and wanting to be really good at it (and taking pride in that) is crazy to me. The fact that his parents responded with a complete lack of empathy to her visiting her sick mother is very weird and definitely not normal or healthy. Part of me wonders if he told them she was working and has a job.

He wants her to lie to his family and keep up the ruse? Then why not help her do that instead of throwing her under the bus. He needs to have some respect for his wife that is literally covering for him living a lie to his parents and funding his lifestyle. Jesus fucking christ.

Your husband is one hundred percent the asshole. He’s asking more than what you agreed to and putting you down for being committed to your job. He’s got some issues to work out. I would watch carefully to make sure his controlling behavior doesn’t escalate. This sounds like it could be the beginning of an abusive marriage. You are NTA OP. Your husband is acting crazy and is the asshole here.

Gentle parenting can work, but it sounds like this kid is on the no parenting plan.

Oh yeah, it definitely doesn’t feel like my scalp got stung by a thousand wasps or anything lol 😂

“That’s one fucking nice kitty right there.” lol 😂

I hear five cats is a party! Screw the strangers lol 😝