Thanks so much! Yeah I'm hoping maybe it's just an adjustment period. I do love an epsom salt bath. I think i tried to go up too quickly on my dosage, 25 mg to 50 mg. I'm back on 25 and hoping the symptoms will ease up a little.

Back pain from iron supplements?

Hi, has anyone else had back pain from iron supplements? I started taking Iron Bisglycinate a little over a week ago, and have developed some really weird hip and back pain.

I'm not actually anemic, I am seeing a integrative medicine doctor, and she said my ferritin levels were low at 56. Which is relatively high compared to most people on this sub. She said my levels should be at 100.

I'm just worried maybe I am doing more harm than good with the supplements?

My symptoms before supplementation were fatigue, exercise intolerance, feeling cold all the time.

Yo that's my neighborhood. There's a little art studio there. They sometimes have community studio nights, did you happen to make this there?

I think it might look cool if you made the tree larger, more imposing, and the roots less smooth with more buckles and edges. Like the one in the bottom right corner looks good, if you made the rest of them more like that it would look really cool.

Beard is phenomenal! Drawing hair is so hard to do well, so kudos!

I wanted to like Smartypants, I liked some clips I saw of it on Youtube. But then I tried to watch an episode and found the editing really distracting. I only tried one episode so I don't know if they changed it later, but rge episode I watched they cut to the audience like every few words to get reaction shots and I found ti really distracting.

I agree with other people that VIP is hit or miss, based on the characters they have on. The good characters make really great episodes, and I do also really love how Vic plays straight but a little strange.

Your shading is so pretty!

I think you're fine. It's really weird of him to pressure you when you already said no. Like just from reading this I can tell you are stressed out, but he didn't seem to notice or care while being in the same room with you. I wouldn't want to have sex with someone when they are in the middle of work and clearly stressed. I can't see how you did anything wrong or awkward besides just setting a boundary. Which is good and normal. He seems like he is being manipulative because he didn't get what he wanted.

I think to help you get your center back is to really think about what YOUR needs are. What do you need in order to feel better? Like what would feel good to you? A bath? Some ice cream? Working a something you care about? Try to focus on yourself.

Wow! These are all amazing! I love the little watermelon turtles. Also your color choices are so pretty!

Yes! I absolutely hate cooking, and by extension eating is also tedious for me. Wish I could jut take a pill and not have to eat or worry about cooking.

omg what? how? thats amazing. I wish i had that luck, most games i go to they lose

I find weed really helps me too. I usually use edibles/ small tablets. Maybe you could try that if traditional meds don't work?

Thanks! I haven't had too much trouble sleeping so far. We'll see how it goes. I think skipping days helps because it tells my body that I can sleep without it.

I'm sorry your stomach issues haven't improved. Hope you find something that helps! Before I started mirt I found CBG+CBD+THC pretty helpful for pain and appetite. That is if you're in a legal state.

Thanks for checking in! I have slowly stopped taking it, started taking a 1/4 pill every two days. My depressive symptoms have greatly improved. I think I need to go off of it entirely because it's still making me sleep like 12 hours even at such a low dose.

That's insane that they put you on lexapro for stomach issues. Lexapro is known to be hard on the stomach. I think once doctors see you are on antidepressants they forget what they are treating you for. Have you tried any other treatments for FD?

It's funny looking at the rest of the replies, everyone is saying a similar sleep wake time lol

I'm a complete night owl, and my sleep schedule currently is super messed up. I'm honestly most active from like 8pm to 12am. I would love to sleep at like 2-3am and wake up at like 10 am everyday.

I haven't been formally diagnosed ADHD yet, I have my psych appointment on monday, so we'll see. I am diagnosed celiac though. Sorry to hear about your new diagnosis. Auto immune things suck :(

Thanks! I think I'll try skipping a night and see how it goes. Emotionally I was mostly stable before i got on this drug ugh.

Omg yes this is exactly how i feel, horrible. I don't think I metabolize this drug well, and it builds up in my system making me feel awful.

Thats what I thought and you're the first person I've seen suggesting it after scrolling a ton of comments