I have a couple thoughts and I’m not sure if they’re popular or not so I wanted to get everyone’s opinion.

Very Important People: Of the three new shows I actually think it’s the weakest. I love Vic and they are very funny and well suited as a host. I also love our dropout cast and they are great improv artists together and work off Vic ok for the most part. I just think that the costume jokes go on for too long and aren’t very funny. It’s also awkward because of the lack of live audience, which does not normally bother me but does in this show because the only people who are on screen are doing bits and no one is reacting.

Thousandaires: Not that many episodes in so it’s not fair to give a complete opinion. I will anyway though because why not? It’s cute. Some jokes work, some don’t, but mostly it’s a sweet show where comedians who get to waste Sam’s money and ultimately that’s fine. I just know it’s never gonna wow me or have me on the floor like Game Changer or Make Some Noise.

Smartypants Society: By far my favorite of the three new shows. Simple premise, clever execution. Silly PowerPoint night with actual comedians works and it feels like people like Mike Trapp and Ross Bryant were made for this. The actual gimmick of the framing device is just ok, but that doesn’t bother me. This solves the problem of VIP where they all serve as each other’s audiences.

I would really like to know everyone else’s thoughts on the new content. Very comfortable being in the minority opinion. I just want to know if anyone sees the issues or flaws with these shows, specifically VIP I really want to see if I’m just the only one not in love with it.