NTA. I have a scar on my head, and one on my left rib. Both ended up being lumps of fatty tissue, but both needed to be removed. I have had people ask about the one on the head, and I've played dumb about it, "What scar?" Or "It's my third eye". Or other things. I have also told people it's a nonya. As in none ya business. People can be very nosy about crap that is none of their business. If you are not comfortable with anything over your scar, then don't wear anything. It's not your issue, it's hers. HR should be notified.

I think I need the water tank car from Canada's worst driver. Then the dolphin might be doable. Plus a house with pools and waterways going through it. Hmm...... might get expensive

I've seen someone do this in a Walmart parking lot. The owner was returning, saw them doing this, picked it up and threw it at them.

This. The rest of them must be real pieces of .... for op to be the best choice. Not your monkey, not your circus, you have every right to walk away. NTA

If it was all about being practical they would replace the grass with realistic fake grass. No mowing, no watering.

I need a emotional/intellectual support dolphin. Dragging the large pool is gonna be a hassle. Plus I think the dolphin would be smart enough to be my power of attorney.

I drive Taxi in Canada, and see this all the time. I have allergies to most dogs. I get people telling me all the time that I need to let their service animal in my car. I have to explain to them that the company isn't refusing them, just this driver, as I can't drive them if i can't breathe. I also mention that they need to inform us when they are calling for a ride so we can make sure that we don't send a driver with either allergies or phobias. Plus we have one of our wheelchair accessible vans that does not take animals because we have a couple regular clients that absolutely cannot go into a vehicle that had an animal in it. Like serious breathing issues.
We are still compliant with the law because 90 something percent of our fleet can take them. We just need to be notified prior.

I once made the mistake of telling my late wife she should smile more, she looked at me and said," do I look like I have a f*cking coffee? Get me a coffee and I might smile. I shut my trap, made her a coffee and mumbled sorry. She was not a morning person.

I once had someone test my late wife seafood allergy. Because they did not seem too sorry about this I went no contact with them. But not before I went to a BBQ at their place and spritzed them with a solution of water and poison ivy.
I am a complete dick towards people who endanger my loved ones. I think my comment to them as I was leaving was, oh... sorry I didn't think it would affect you like that. Kinda how they seemed to treat her.

When ever someone is talking about there uncle, I always ask Bob? As in Bob's your uncle.

Wanna bet?? He could probably figure it out. Activation fee. After a period of time there is a monthly fee to help eat away the balance.

Just wait until he goes on reddit and sees this post. Then you will see escalation. He feels like he's devolving.

I would like to help you stretch to your limits