how old were u when u KNEW u were Gay?

for me probably 8 or 12 why unsure? well in school I was with a boy and he decided to pee right there by the wall before the teachers could find out, I was kinda curious from there but I didn't know what was gay I thought it was normal until few years but 12 I was online looking up things online, I liked what I saw slightly more than st8 stuff and when I was a kid I did experiment with a girl when we were teens but that excitement I had is different now and I'm abrosexual, I had a girlfriend around 13 or so and she was ok didn't do anything just going out but I felt more for my male friend he ontime said he loves me but I didn't hear it so I said sorry what was that he then said nothing but I knew and was nervios but 4 or 5 years later I said I loved him but he decided to shun me and its been 10 years and he still haunts my dreams of that could be.


Some say the gpu power cable. But if u see carefully its not burnt but melted. It looks like ur fand on the bottom started somewhere there and caused the other cables on top to melt which caused power wores to touch and burn more

I finally did itnsfwStory

So me and my aunt were in the drive thrue at kfc, we where talking about when she said she said our name stops with me and my dad said the same thing few days ago. And i said whatvare u guys pressuring me, to get children she said even if one day i get a BOYFRIEND or Whatever i can adopt and give the surename to them. I said well thats good, i am abrosexual, she didnt mind she said i dont see why people should jugde, although she did see a movie with 2 gay guys getting it on she said. I dont mind it its just very sexual, but i dont mind it even if whatever says something, but i said look i think family reputation is more important than my happiness. We drove to the window and she said who says that? I said few family members. And we fot distracted because our food was at the window,



Yeah i mean really if u want sex go to hole finder, im so scared of sex i have paranoia and anxiety when i do or after

But i dont want sex first time meeting anyone, i been alone for since 2010

Yeah im in a country where the men is Hornier than wolves during mating season

Thx thats why i say friends first because some people think dating requires sex the first time meeting

If i pay for a dating app then whats the difference of getting a hooker

Oh got my anxiety is going up u said bars and such. Im Preparing my self to go to a gay bar. But im so shy

I dont use facebook to socialize. Ill see im pretty shy as it is

Or more open and not letting my social anxiety take over. But yeah u are lucky

Yeah im looking for Friends first and see how things go.

Is there a dating gay app that does work?nsfwSex/Dating

Grindr is just xxx and hookups tinder doesnt work for gays [my experience] growlr is ok but needs work scruff i hate its like grindr for daddies but the features arent free...


hey its week end so i only done it twice today for now.