I don't have the time to put my full thoughts, so here is a short answer. I don't think it will all be released at once. One of the big buzzwords in AAA gaming right now is engagement, especially with Warner Brothers. And considering how much they are already treating MK1 as a live service game, I believe the KP2 releases will be staggered to encourage continuous play.

This 100%. I don't hate the New Era, but what exactly is new about it aside from slight changes. Same characters, same villains. For a game that was supposed to be a reboot, the story assumes the player knows the events of MK11 and Aftermath. The Kronika bait-and-switch falls flat for anyone who didn't play 11.

I don't think it's making fun of Mortal Kombat. Moreso, I think it's mocking the AAA games industry as a whole.

And it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if this becomes a real game some time soon. Amazon's partnership with Netherrealm may go beyond just Homelander as a playable character in MK. A small $30 game with reduced graphics and a smaller roster would probably do pretty well, and I have a sneaking suspicion that one of the reasons MK1 feels so barren is because they had a small skeleton crew working on a The Boys game. Idk. Just a theory.

Eventually, I graduate to an overhead followed by a 3 move kombo. And that's about as extensive as my kombo knowledge ever gets.

I think the problem is less about people hating on it and more that people just didn't know about it. Maybe I'm wrong, but it's still my favorite racing game regardless.

Saints Row 2022. I can admit that it's far from the best Saints Row game and was horrendously buggy on launch, but I still had fun with it.

I think we'll see an edition with the rumored expansion but not a Komplete Edition. Komplete would imply it includes everything, but there's no way WB would allow NRS to include the in-game store items as part of it.

I have to disagree. While I agree with the issues you pointed out, Dead Rising has always looked and played very janky. I would argue that the graphics and gameplay felt dated even for its time, but those weren't the things that made Dead Rising appealing to me.

The setting, characters, and core gameplay loop all feel so unique compared to anything before or anything since. I'd argue that even its own franchise hasn't been able to properly replicate the feeling of playing DR1, experimenting with weapons, learning the layout of the mall, etc.

So, yeah. The things you mentioned may feel aged, but they never felt of the time to begin with. It was everything that set DR1 apart that made it so fun.

The fanchise kind of lost its identity after MK9. Starting with MKX, the games start to take themselves more seriously and lose the cartoony/arcadey tone of the original. The midway games and 9 feel like the video game equivalent to popcorn flicks, whereas the rest feel like they've aimed for a more dramatic and realistic (I'm using that word loosely) feel.

Neither option is bad on the surface, but I do feel myself drawn to the older games more than the newer ones. The midway games are why I got into the fanchise in the first place.

It's kind of a toss-up. It depends on the partner CRWBY finds and how much longer said partner wants to utilize the RWBY property.

On one hand, I could very much imagine V10 going forward and being branded as the final volume. It's a way to give active RWBY fans some closure while bringing in some lapsed fans to see how everything ends. A quick cash grab for the studio and a nice ending for the franchise.

On the other hand, a reboot could also do something similar in terms of viewership by fixing problems with the series, thus bringing in new viewers and lapsed fans, but at the risk of being left in limbo again as the series is now.

It's a fun addition to the franchise, but the kameo system isn't my cup of tea.

That and I was genuinely hoping for an entirely new or mostly new roster of characters. The fact that we didn't get a single new fighter in the base roster really bummed me out. It kind of feels like the franchise is kind of spinning its wheels at this point.

Mileena. I just love her various designs and her general vibe. And that includes MK1 Mileena.

I haven't watched the show in a good long while, but if I remember correctly, Pyrrha kind of feels like she was put in the show mostly to be the source of Jeanne's character progression. I'd love to see more depth to her.

I like poker, but I don't like it in non-poker centric video games. You either have to play them normally and take a decent chunk of time to do so or save scum to win. Neither option sounds fun for an optional mini game. I tend to avoid it when I can.

I think the game is going to shut down well before it's finally finished. At best we get a comic series that wraps the story up. But considering this is WB we're talking about, it wouldn't surprise me if we never get closure on this game. They'll probably scrap the remaining seasons and potentially retcon the whole game in favor of continuing the Arkhamverse in a different direction.

Mortal Kombat 4. I was in a bowling alley with a small room for arcade games. Specifically, it was the game over screen with the kombatant falling into the spike pit that caught my attention. It was easily the most violent thing I had seen in a video game up until that point.

I don't want to sound overdramatic, but I'd reevaluate my friendship with someone like that. He doesn't have to enjoy the game, obviously, but responding that way to something you enjoy and recommended is so rude. He could've just said, "not really my thing," and left it at that.

Now that it's been decently patched, yes. I think it's a solid addition to the franchise, even if it's on the lower end of Saints Row standards. I had fun with it, and I'm thinking of replaying it soon.

I think her portrayal in Arkham City and Arkham Knight are both great. I'm just not a fan of her treatment in Knight. Considering the emotional connection she has with Batman, they could have done so much more to add depth to their relationship and make the ending that much more impactful. Instead, she's just a prisoner of the Riddler for the whole game. Regardless, I hope we see the Arkham Catwoman again someday.

Using metaphors/similes in place of adjectives can help to vary your writing and add more depth to the description at the same time.

The codex is your best friend. You can learn a lot about the world through dialogue, but the codex definitely cleared up a lot of the confusion I had in regards to the lore.

Far Cry Primal was fine, but it would have benefitted greatly from more depth to animal companions and what they can do.

Batman: Arkham Origins could never live up to the hype of Arkham City and suffered from the fact that it was the 3rd game in a row with the Joker as a major antagonist. Honestly, I found most of it to be forgettable. It's fine on it's own but doesn't hold a candle to the main Arkham trilogy.

I don't think Kameos were a mistake. I do, however, think that omitting a non-kameo game mode was.

As a very casual player, kameos add a layer of complexity that I'd rather avoid. Learning what fighter is best for my playstyle can already be intimidating enough without adding a roster of kameos that I need to choose from as well. It's a cool addition to the game, but it's something I'd prefer to just play around with from time to time instead of having to use it in every match.