If you ever want you inbox full of Mali photos, I'm your gal. Just let me know. I love sharing the beauty that is my doofus.


Omg so adorable! How soft is Pippi?


Yes she does. 🥰

Nothing but skinny

I came here just to say that. Like wtf? She never was single, she went from one D to another almost instantly.

Me personally? Getting on a beta blocker helped. I didn't know I had an underlying heart issue (inappropriate sinus tachycardia) so my anxiety was always triggered by a pounding heart. Fixing that helped loads. Also Lyrica helped for anxiety but it's a bitch to taper off of.

Moody Mod - BIND Team Specialist

I love you girl. ❤️ This is amazing and real advice. Thank you for putting it out there.

Or the sheer chaos that's gonna come from a shot of old water to the face. 😂😂I'll pray for you hah.

All I can think of is the puddle of water thats eventually going to live on your floor. I'm glad mine hasn't figured that out yet.

It's never easy to usher them over the bridge. We are on our second dope dog and it took quite alot of grief time before we were ready for doggo 2. We got 4 years of after retirement time with our first. ❤️

What kind of metal did you put in? It kind of makes me wonder of you used something that your body wasn't happy with. I had the same issues when I got mine pierced but changing out the jewelry helped.

I also did seasalt and warm water soaks twice a day on mine as well as washing it with Dial soap three times a day. Keep in mind this was around 2002 when I got it done so protocol has changed since then. I want to say I healed pretty well with the right metal and keeping it clean.

Moody Mod - BIND Team Specialist

Congrats on one year! What a very thoughtfully written post. All of the advice here is amazing. This was so refreshing to read.

I did want to bring up one thing I noticed. As a 38 year old woman who sleeps with a stuffed animal.. Never feel bad for seeking that comfort. Not only does it help mentally, but I've found that hugging my stuffed duck helps me align my arms and shoulders so I wake up with less body pain. 😌


The smartest idiot I've ever met. She's great at sniffing dope but loves to spin circles and bash her head into stuff for fun.

I'm 6'4 myself and when my girl gets in her back legs and pops up for hugs it's almost scary how close she is to my face. She's definitely alot lighter than your baby though which I'm pleased about because she's a lap dog.

I go to Plush off Fish Creek bear 1488 and love it. They always sanitize the area before you sit and smells super clean. They offer free alcoholic or coffee drinks and usually serve fresh cut fruit or egg rolls. I usually pay around 45 for a full set.

Moody Mod - BIND Team Specialist

Due to the amount of people being nasty we have turned on crowd control. OP is here for advice and being hostile changes nothing in this situation. All comments will go to mod queue for screening before approved.

I'm not a piercer and all mine have been done by others and not my own hands. That being said:

My navel hurt about as much as my lobes. Which wasn't much at all. My ear cartilage hurt alot more, septum as well.

Moody Mod - BIND Team Specialist

Yes you did! We're still there every Sunday. ❤️

Moody Mod - BIND Team Specialist

Honestly we don't talk horror much. We have alot of victories too. If you're interested in even a one on one, I can have our therapist mods reach out to you.

Moody Mod - BIND Team Specialist

You're totally welcome in the Zoom group. It is led by a really great guy with the proper credentials to assist. Also anyone with the BIND specialist flair can also help as a mentor. Come check out the Zoom though, it's not 12 steps related and really just a open conversation.

I've done all of the things you've mentioned too. The jaw pinch has worked best for us. I just can't be mad at mine because her intentions are never to hurt. It's just berry little misfortunes that end up with me getting bruised up.

Mal Mom

My dog is a working dog and we would never punch her. Get out of here with that BS. Don't speak for us.

Mal Mom

We're on our second working dog in my house. Noodle has accidentally bitten her handler in the beginning and he has never had the urge to retaliate. Whoever defends this kind of behavior doesn't deserve their dog. Noodle has head butt me, nipped and knocked me over. I never look at her and think she deserves harm for just being a silly goose.

Edit: Typos