Thank you! Yes, the line is really something else there. You definitely need to get up early to avoid this

Chapter 5 brought:

shitty new movement, bad bullet drop ars, the worst locker ui ever, a cod like map, super low xp for playing the core game, and half of the v-bucks are unlocked after level 100.

I played this game since season two and enjoyed every single season. But chapter 5 is too much for me. No little event can compensate this.




My dog

Sure! This was the bus tour I took, but there are also other companies. You may want to have a look if they offer different routes.

Had this done to me and the local anaesthesia did not work. This was horrible pain…

Ever since I am super cautious if there are first signs of an ingrown nail.

  • map optics are not cartoony at all, more like COD

  • I don‘t like the new movement

  • I hate bullet drop ars

  • The locker UI is cancer

  • V-bucks are now later in the battle pass

  • there are no interesting vehicles

  • focus is shifted to new game modes I am not interested in

I still enjoy the core game, but there are really some major points that make the chapter worse compared to the chapters 1-3 (I did not like Ch4 too much).

This is it. Simple places like Risky Reels (best poi ever) or Pleasent Park had the best gameplay.

I don‘t like those one large building pois like Lavish Lair, Grand Glacier, or Rebel‘s Roost, and also not pois that feel like a maze.

I was there at a different day, so I cannot guarantee it. But I think Mondays should be fine, too.

I was in the same situation a couple of weeks ago and I purchased a bundle ticket from „Tiquets“.

For 50€ I got tickets for the vatican museums + a hop-on hop-off bus tour.

If you don‘t have tickets you probably need to be there at 5am or you‘ll have to wait literally 3+ hours.

I gave him a long time without judging him because there were many new players in the squad while important players left the team.

But unfortunately I don‘t think he is the right man. There is no recognizable improvement and with the potential of the players, things should look differently by now. There are many decisions which I do not understand (one being Mario Götze as a CDM).

It is really unbelievable that we could still reach the CL (if Dortmund wins it) with the worst season in many years. I‘ve watched 95% of the SGE matches, and most of the time I almost fell asleep.

In my deck Cosmo Neos is the real hero (at least when going first)

Without any debate the OG infinity blade

If I had friends who are interested in yu-gi-oh, I would probably just print out / fake the cards we want wo play.

They don‘t have to be good fakes if you just want to play the game, and real cards are too expensive.

This would be the worst. I want to play fortnite and not garage band when opening the game.

Fair enough if you like the mode, but forcing us to play it would suck.

This also happened in a poi where an NPC sells shockwaves…

Playing ranked I carry air bending AND shockwaves.

Air bending is good for getting from a A to B quickly, but as you have said, it is sucks when trying to escape. To escape quickly shockwaves are needed. And even then you sometimes get killed mid air.