Don’t forget the fact that the Middle East and the Mediterraneans have had massive empire overlaps to the point where you would be a fool to not realize that the Levant is essentially an extension of Southern Europe and vice versa on a cultural level. By culture that covers everything from being related by blood as well as having traded goods and ideas for time immemorial. Everything from legal concepts to mathematical formulas to religiosity to music and food has been shared and intertwined for very long in that region. Logic doesn’t come easy to those who lack it, but they sure do like to claim they are logical.

Spanish things you wouldn’t understand because you’re not one of us, amigo.

I’m waiting to see both, you should be too! Genghis is much more interesting though.

I’m not mocking, I’m genuinely interested in how you’ll explain this assumption in the inevitable meeting you’ll have with Genghis. Wait and see. If I’m right I’m right, if I’m wrong I’m wrong, you have 0 evidence to counter this fact.

Which one of you socialist cucks posted this?

The constitution has no foundation.

You’re technically a Mexinian, marry you a Mexican to become full Mexican.

You have the exact same chance to meet Genghis Khan. The issue is that he’s long dead, and you can’t meet dead people.

Collect dates and information, take names, and save evidence (record it secretly if you need to and if you’re in a jurisdiction that allows one way consent), don’t just make it a your word against theirs type of thing.

lIf there is no workplace process to deal with this, take note of that because every company has responsibilities under health and safety legislation. You can then make a complaint to the ministry of labor in your jurisdiction, and consider quitting then hiring a lawyer to sue them for workplace harassment. You don’t have to get violent and earn yourself a criminal record.

Also, the only terrorists I see are those harassing you for looking like you can be in the Taliban, which is dumb because lots of Afghans are white af (like proper gingers).

Yeah and if you meet a Moses just remember all the stuff you said. You won’t, it’s impossible, but keep telling yourself everything you see is a lie and your fairytales are true.

That’s no surprise, this is very common in Lebanon, most Lebanese people I know are gay. It can’t be that hard for them to manage or wrap their heads around.

I thought we were stopping in Miami, but no, we kept going.

Never missed a day since I was a kid, always have a plan to keep yourself clean.

The ones that lack education tend to fall for the silliest lies, like thinking their saviour is some Middle Eastern snake oil salesman that’ll magically return from being dead for thousands of years.