I'm a 28-year-old man and I need some advice on a difficult situation. I'm gay, but I've never come out to anyone back in Lebanon. I kept my feelings secret for my entire life while I was there. About seven years ago, I moved to France, where I studied, graduated, and started a high-paying job. During this time, I met my current fiancée (a 33-year-old French man), and we've been together for four years now. We're planning to get married soon.

However, I'm hesitant about whether or not I should tell my family, and if so, how to go about it. My family is Christian, which I think might make things a bit easier. I don't think my parents are particularly homophobic; I believe they will accept me after the initial drama hit and attempts at persuading me to change. However, I'm worried it might be too much for them to handle all at once—coming out as gay and announcing my marriage.

My parents are amazing people. They paid for my education all my life, and I don't want to hurt them. My dad, in particular, is very sensitive. He's 62 years old now, and I'm concerned about the impact this news might have on his health. I don't want him to lose sleep or worry excessively to the point it affects his well-being.

I'm not sure how to handle this situation, especially since it's hard to discuss these things in a French or American subreddit due to cultural differences. Personally, I identify more with the French culture than Lebanese culture, but my parents, having lived the war in Lebanon, understandably have another mentality.

If anyone has any advice or knows about other gay people who got married to a foreigner, I would really appreciate your insights!