A bunch of old institutions (Neo, Exit) have closed, but there is still a scene.

There is a cool new hole-in-the-wall called Electric Funeral at 35th and Halstead.

And Reggies is still rocking at 21st and State.

Light weight and compat, yet durable.

I walk 3 to 6 miles to get to the beach and towels for laying out take up a fair bit of weight and volume, especially if I don't haul a wagon.

30 seconds to two minutes.

I just pull one-hitters when I'm walking about or whatever. I honestly don't remember the last time I sat down for a proper session.

An outdoor balcony on a tall building

Get to the Lakefront Trail and Balbo. You will be able to hear the set, but won't get a decent view.

You can access the trail at either end of the festival.

Then OP will be able to hear the set, but probably won't get a decent view. They will want to set up on the Lakefront Trail by Balbo.

I dont see a lake shore stage. You sure that's what it's called?

We live by there and do this every year.

Whats the stage?

Keep you license up to date and rent a car when you travel. You will save thousands a year.

Thre greatest evolutionary advantage bestowed upon squirrels is that humans find thier fluffy tails cute, and we accept thier presence.

You don't because you can't. Accept it and move on to more productive endeavors.

The other day we had a family beach day. I pulled a wagon full of beach stuff about 3 miles while the rest of the family took the bus to join me later. This is how we roll.

It was a hot day so I was already bare chested and getting a good sweat on from my little workout. I felt good.

As I approached the beach, I crossed paths with a woman who, apropos of nothing, announces "damn, I'm thirsty already!"

Now, maybe she was indeed dehydrated. But I choose to belive that giving up soda and being more active is starting to yield results. I'll take the small win.

Keep it up my man!

Its amazing to me how draining it is when I am around them. Like a psychic vampire kinda thing. They manage to take all my joy, hope, and dreams and just gradually extinguish it all.

I lived at home until 30, languishing under thier roof. Failed academically, failed romantically, basicly I was thier little loser. No plan for the future, no plans for anything except working my easy job and spending the rest of my time smoking weed in my filthy room. That was the sum total of my while life living with them. And they were good with it.

I managed to move out and slowly got my shit together, but that dynamic still exists. I try to never tell them my life goals becasuse they excel at crushing them. At least now I recognize when they strongly protest to somthing, I'm on the right track.

A while back my 5-year-old asked why I am always so sad after visiting grandma and grandpa. One day, when she is much older, I may tell her.

South Loop

Wow, you found a lot more context from the question than I did.

Love this place! Awsome setting, good food, live music. I go a couple times a year at least.

My best memory is from several years ago. I made the long walk up there, about 10 miles along the LFT and we had dinner and a drink. When I ordered a tequila neat I received a GLASS of tequila, like it must have been 12oz at least. They had just opened for the season and i think someone got confused because I was charged a normal amount.

I made it a point to finish my drink and then managed to CAREFULLY to walk back to the Redline to get back home. Good times.

I recommend the lobster roll.

South Loop

20 of service is fine, less if its crappy, more if its great.

I am not aware of a single documented case of RF signals causing health problems.

You will be fine.

It costs a lot of money to move far away.

Honestly its a tough age because they are all agency and no regulation. They are able to do things, new things all the time. But they have limited self-control and know little of consequences.

I think some parents ride the chaos better than others.

Mine is that, because the krogan reproduced so rapidly before the genophage, Tuchanka must have been full of children's activities to entertain all those little ones.

Theme parks, playgrounds, splashpads, circuses, petting zoos, and on and on and on.

It must have been the most magical place in the galaxy!

I'm stoned as fuck and I think I found your circumstance