Hey, that’s exactly how I feel today

Same. I’m boycotting holidays and traditions. They’re all designed to make us spend money and I’m going to spend as little as I have to.

Yeah, they just came looking for an argument, reading comprehension be damned.

Just try it, it’s not a lot of effort and the difference is huge and you can even do a minimum of like 15 minutes if it’s thawed out and everything. That’s funny because brining is actually my simple method, my fancy one is dumping some Italian dressing in a bag with the chicken a few hours

Love is not admissible evidence

Jeff freaked out over someone being better than him in a beginner pottery class

I just don’t define my life based on how my sports team does and then it ends up not really being that big of a deal

Missouri has had a habit lately of worthless politicians using our tax money to essentially campaign for themselves

True, hopefully things will be a bit saturated with water when they decide to

Love is not admissible evidence

I think you know I have a thing for butt stuff

I’m so fucking happy for the rain, I was worried about some dumb asshole setting my neighborhood on fire

All right, I don’t really care to argue about it anymore. You can either use Google to prove yourself wrong or don’t, I don’t give a shit.

I worked there for a couple weeks in the remote CSR training and it was like a cult. I just stopped logging on after a while

Running over a family of five accidentally would be manslaughter because it wasn’t intentional. Running them over on purpose would be murder.