Blastoise :blastoise-e:

I got a +10 once!

It was on a roll that was going to win the emblem regardless. So it was a complete waste. But I’ll never forget that +10 popping up

As someone who has been camping there for 20 years, I’ve never had anything stolen during a hike… but I’ve also never really risked it.

I do a light pack up of pretty much everything that would be inviting to steal. Flashlights, electronics, unique camping gear… all goes in the tent or locked in the car.

Generally safe, but as others have said, a lot of people just come by for the day so they might feel guilty.

I like the renewable energy angle. The global impact could be great.

Building schools and infrastructure in needy communities around the world could be easy when you’re considering a trillion dollars

Considering the logistics needed to run a space race, most of them are probably working behind a desk, and work from 9-5 on their home planet.

Predator Dave hates coming home to a bickering Predator wife Becca, and crying Predator twins, just as much as us human folk do.

Jiri takes a slight step forward and that momentum also adds to the head trauma lol.


How much could one possibly cost?

I demand a thread posting only awful croissants

He’s not going to produce this year. But he will be a great sleeper pickup for 2-3 years down the road

Idk how you convince a partner you aren’t critically ill. Even with the money.

I play the game for the yields. I EARN FOR THE YIELDS!!

It’s not hard to do. A friend and I two manned an EDD with no resupply. We ran gunner/scout for the boom and zip, allowing one of us to die if it meant saving ammo and completing the phase we were working on.

Until they change things, we’ll have to be thinking economically.

He’s a kid that lives at home. He has to ask his mom about it. No joke. He mentioned it in another comment lol… so it’s likely from family.

I knew it! Tina Belcher is really Clark Kent! The libido gave it away.

So true! I was recalling the episode and I know for a fact that the husband was setup in a (from the viewers POV) death trap, just for them to get on the phone and her get crushed. Great twist

They meant the word “mind” but autocorrect gottem

Is this the subreddit’s most popular video?

But what about second plants? And second shrubbery?? Will they be included 🥹

Anyone else remember when this was just a video that wasn’t trimmed and labeled?

Free is always better!

Amen to a rewatch - I need a SC rewatch so ima boot it up on the steam I sent you ha!