This isn’t true. There are some states where the spores are illegal, but they are legal almost everywhere else because they do not contain psilocybin. Cultivating the spores is illegal, but that’s on you.

I paid $100 for some growing supplies, $20 for spores and a three years later I’m still going strong

You should get HPD involved. In my experience, when it comes to landlords, this is the only way to actually get them to act

I believe you are thinking of Bob Wold of Clusterbusters.

That website is focused on cluster headaches but it has a lot of useful info for migraines as well

Depends on your state. I live in NYS where the sale of spores in 100% legal but the cultivation is not. It’s a funny little loophole.

Peyote is a very small cactus. A mature specimen doesn’t get much bigger than two inches tall and four inches wide, at the largest. For that reason they are referred to as “buttons”.

This picture is a very atypical example

This is cool but it seems like there was a missed opportunity to make a similar video with discarded TP cardboard inner tubes.

A few years ago I made a post saying that it helped me out but I recanted that. It has improved my overall quality of life in that it has become a hobby I can do in place of the ones I have lost, but it has not done anything to improve migraine frequency or severity

To be honest, I do not remember. I think it was just enhanced triptan side effects. TBH I no longer take triptans and I now take CGRP blockers because they are more effective and I really couldn’t tolerate the side effects anyway

Last time I ate spice my eyes turned blue and I was able to see the future. Jk

This is my alt account that I use for talking about drugs. I’ve had mild psychoactive experiences from spicy foods, but as someone that likes to dabble, psychoactive is definitely what I’d call it. I find that really spicy stuff can feel like the body load of weed without significant changes in cognition which is an interesting feeling. It’s certainly an “altered state.”

Really happy for you. I went through the process of growing shrooms and MDing, eventually macrodosing and my results were very mixed. There is certainly some effect but it’s hard to say exactly what. I hope someday science can tell us why psilocybin is so effective for some and not for others.

The one in the picture is Psilocybe cubensis. Mexicana would be the more “authentic” variety. Same active chemicals though

Wow, I was seriously confused by the perspective of photos 1 & 2

That beetle is about to hook up with his homies and write Tomorrow Never Knows

Only if the masturbators start selling churros

I have done a macrodoses while off an MD schedule and I don’t really have a way of saying confidently what the effect was, so I will just say….mixed.

I’m familiar with the cluster headache stuff and that was one of the things that led me to psilocybin originally. The thing is, cluster headaches are not the same thing as migraines so one treatment isn’t guaranteed to work for the other, though there is a lot you can learn about one by studying the other. It’s worth noting here than some very smart scientists at Yale are studying psilocybin and migraine right now and I applaud their research.

I don’t want to sound like I’m poo-pooing psilocybin or any of the points you are saying. I’m here after all because I love shrooms and do think they have a place in migraine management. I just think any post like OP’s needs to be balanced by realistic expectations.

First off: I am deeply grateful for you and your mom; migraine is a terrible thing to go through. I am so happy that she is finding relief.

To everyone else reading this: This is something I post and think a lot about on this account. I am lifelong sufferer of migraines and I began using mushrooms because I read about their potential in treating migraines. My results have been mixed…as mixed as my results with basically all other migraine treatments that I’ve tried. When I first started I made a thread detailing my amazing success, but I’ve since gone back on those claims.

Migraine is a complicated condition with a diverse set of causes, two of which are depression and anxiety. I can’t help but wonder if the MD’s helped your mother work through some emotional trauma that may have been catalyzing her condition. For someone else, psilocybin may even make migraines worse considering that it activates the serotonin receptors that some migraine medications specifically block.

To the migraineurs: try it, but be realistic with your expectations. Also get your vitamin D checked

Interesting that you say that. I meditate daily but I find it to be overwhelming to do it while high or even after taking a low dose of psilocybin. Caffeine is my meditation drug of choice ☕️

A better question might be, How susceptible am I to the effects of substances generally? and Am I ready for the possibility that it could affect my ability to walk? If the answer is no (as was the case for me on my first time) take less. If the answer yes, make sure you take it in a place where you can reliably lie down and enjoy the experience.

FWIW I don’t really see it being a possibility on 1g but everyone is different and anything is possible

I’m not really there yet. I’m grateful to those whom psychedelics help in this regard, and maybe I just haven’t found the right dosage or set/setting, but my own experiences with shrooms have left me wondering if the mental health claims made about psychedelics are overblown.

Don’t get me wrong: the experiences I have had have all been overwhelmingly positive but they have also been temporary. Granted, I don’t have any addictions or major psychological issues I’m trying to treat, nor do I have a psychedelic therapist. In the end it all comes back to me to make the changes necessary in my life, and I just haven’t figured out how to make those changes permanent yet, with or without the use of psychedelics.