Lemme just add my experience here for the next person that searches this sub for the keywords "mushroom" or "psilocybin"

I get cluster headaches as well as migraines, had read the articles about taking shrooms to keep the next cluster cycle at bay, finally got up the courage to do my first ever shrooms one month ago. Took 1g, not enough to trip, just felt a little buzzed; I concentrated for about an hour on the spot in my head where my cluster headache usually starts, willing it to fix itself.

Next day: bad migraine, def due to the shrooms. Quick google showed that was a documented phenomenon.

2 weeks later: Alcohol is a huge trigger but I decided to have a cheat day and crushed a handful of Jack & cokes, braced myself for the migraine- and NO MIGRAINE. Wtf? Wrote it off as the whiskey gods smiling on me for once.

Few days after drinking: I go on a run for the first time in 6 months- cardio is also 100% a trigger, and NO MIGRAINE. I finally remember that I took the mushrooms, do more googling because I only expected it to help with the cluster, and find 2 tiny recent studies about it helping with migraines TOO.

Still haven't had a single migraine since the dose, able to run daily now (and have a beer watching football). Idk how long this will last but I hope someone finds this helpful!

EDIT: It has now been 7 months since I first posted this. I noticed the "shroom shield" getting more ineffective as my daily cardio started to give me headaches again around 4-5 weeks after a dose. I have been dosing about 1 to 1.3g every 4-6 weeks, and it kept me entirely migraine free until spring and the crazy weather changes hit. Then I started getting a couple migraines per month, which is honestly a huge step up from my near-daily spring migraine experience the last few years. TL;DR Regular doses of ~1g per month have continued to keep my migraines at a much lower frequency and intensity, even in the face of triggers (cardio, alcohol, weather)