ill take a pack of marlboros and 2 #5 scratch tickets please


Been there done that, not so worth it.

For some easier to access “off map” try something like old Ramshead summit

That is definitely not a real Santa Cruz logo, the logo font/size is off. Double tell is if the decal is not clear coated over…

Was just there Monday/Tuesday….KT is great as usual. Only bummer was Kitchel is closed , I heard they are doing some upgrades there this summer.

Ah yes because we are braindead seagulls right? Go fuck yourself, you obviously don’t ascribe to civilized discussion so how about that response ya braindead bird.

I use velosambas for my enduro mtb. My favorite clipless shoes ever, and adidas sambas are cool as fuck looking.

Coming second is the mark of a gracious lover also fyi

Wrong again.

He actually said he ate an XL 100grand candy bar an episode.

I grew up in southeastern MA in a city….I laugh when people crap on Rutland. Its not perfect but man people do not understand perspective one bit.

Iraq was the 4th largest military in the world at one point, fyi. Especially with the original desert storm, it was more of a showcase of superior US technology post cold war.

Tie that bud to a carabiner on your pack and dry as you walk young padawan

A friend of mine just got one and I want it badly (Northeast US FYI) cream colored…basically a RHD LS400 from what I understand?

The dental practice will be closed on Wednesday afternoon and Fridays for the summer.

Just add question marks so the state wont be liable.

12 South Leominster ???

The Tractor Supply Boys, playing ac/dc covers at your nearest Knights of Columbus bbq.

I work at the software side of things now, so I’m still a little bit involved. Honestly total cost of repair is so much post pandemic, plus a falling ac they are definitely looking to subrogate as its gonna be $$$

Oh for sure… just throwing a number out there, but long story short it’ll far surpass any deductible. I was a licensed APD appraiser for a while so I know the deal.

With submarine launched ballistic misses patrolling the oceans discreetly (both nations) plus all the advances in delivery systems as a result of the space race - It doesn’t matter where launchers are anymore from my understanding.

Yes, but now you are the owner of the property so it’s your issue to resolve.

If you purchased a home knowing that there was a dispute, caveat emptor.

If you have a comprehensive policy, call your insurance first. That is easily $2k + fix

No, don’t talk to them, hire an attorney and a surveyor. Your new neighbors will love the camaraderie.

Imagine being forced to hang out with that dude at a brewery for an hour…