Agreed. I always say “I have a five year plan that changes every day” and/or “that depends how this interview goes” 😂

Not me, but a friend of mine. We were in class one day (College) sitting around waiting for it to start. The Dean walks in, whom I’d never met before and never saw again afaik. She started with “Hello class. I have some news about your teacher.”

My friend, without thinking, replies, “What, did he die?”, and chuckles slightly.

The Dean replies “Yes”.

Unless this happened more than once, I remember this - specifically Urkel reaching his hand out of the tv for some reason. Without 3D glasses it looked weird as hell.

Yeah, I’ve been wrong too much in my life to speak in definites anymore 😂. Well, allegedly anyway

If there was one closer to me I would eat it every day.

Activated another bond yesterday, I can never get away

They would find a way to have signal issues if they did, I’m sure.

Grade 9. I had to write a fictional story. I was writing dialogue for a character. To emphasize his accent, I wrote his speech as “We ain’t a-sposed ta do this” (not actual dialogue, but that sort of thing). Did not know about sic or whatever. Lost marks for bad grammar. Went to argue that it was how he spoke, not an error and was told to sit down. 9/10 on assignment. Absolute HORSESHIT.

I just had 12 Creon 25 bottles delivered to me last week, had no idea there was a shortage.

Fun little anecdote, the bus across the street from me is supposed to come every 10 minutes. I waited half an hour, and then 3 of them came by simultaneously.

I tend to just Uber or walk now when I can.

I was going to say this. Though I’ll be honest, I enjoyed it start to finish, but it definitely gets more ridiculous as the show goes on, and a lot of people say not to bother past season 1.