Also will keep posting pictures as the little fur ball grows up

It’s great, my in-laws kept this one so I’m so thankful I get to interact with him, he’s literally like a little bear

No it was an accidental litter between our dogs, they are ten weeks old and everyone’s been adopted. There was a total of eight and we kept ones and our in-laws kept two, the one in the picture is one of the ones our in-laws kept

Pretty cool mix especially the one that came out with the bear coat

I meant it in regards to teaching it to be less reactive not in a literal way

Yo uso el de Burt’s bees de avena pero es tener mucho cuidado y procurer que se seque bien para que no le de infección

We let the people who wanted to adopt take who they wanted and we kept the last ones, but we gave my in-laws first choice. There was a surprising amount of variation.

Tira pelo cuando empieza hacer calor pero nomas es pasarle con un cepillo y bañarlo