Mattie Mitchell. Should be on the 10 because of his significance to our tenth province but Viola Desmond has that

Matty Mitchell (June 1846 – 1922) was a Mi’kmaq chieftain,[1] guide, prospector, and explorer who contributed to the development of the Newfoundland economy. Mitchell has been described as "the greatest and most resourceful woodsman who ever lived."[2] For this, Mitchell was recognized as a Person of National Historic Significance in 2001.[3]

The heavy Bakelite phone - black with a metal rotary dial. And the sound it made when you turned the dial and let it go back into place.

For awhile I worked as a caseworker for an agency that dealt with children. The number of kids who had been SA was heartbreaking. I left the profession and went into teaching.

I pay municipal taxes for a safe water supply. We drink tap water

Virtue is not a limited commodity. One can admire both men and their contributions without thinking one is better than the other.

I wondered about that. Having a young son die must be so heartbreaking. They shared him with the whole country in life, perhaps they wanted some privacy around his death.

Remember that the tiny population of Yellowknife makes three murders in YK seem much more significant than the 16 in the same period in Toronto.

So often I would look t my two kids and think, ‘Their grandfather would have loved these kids ‘. That hit me when we heard that Sheldon’s son plays hockey. ‘Oh, their grandfather George would have been so happy to go to his games.’

Just not a lot of shopping variety I suppose. We’re a very small customer base so there’s not a lot of incentive to open more exotic stores. Amazon has been a real boost

Honestly, it’s the only way I can reliably tell my right hand from my left. ‘Turn left’ (index fingers on each hand automatically look for the writer’s bump)

If ghosts stay where they died, you’d never be able to visit a hospital ever again. That place would be teeming with ghosts. And imagine stumbling into a children’s hospital. That heartbreak would last forever.

I can’t find it anywhere here in Nova Scotia, and shipping from the Rick Shed is a bit too rich for my blood

I taught your brother in early elementary. Other than that I don’t want to doxx myself. But I do remember you well and I definitely vouch that this is indeed the irrepressible Brad!

So Brad. I’ll vouch for you if you tell me

A) who was your grade 6 teacher and what role did you take in the drama production that year.

B) who was the principal at the school when you were in grade 4

My Ragdoll guy loves car crash videos. He’ll sit by my pillow each evening and I play him some car crash videos before we fall asleep.

It’s not in HRM but Oultons outside Windsor sell bison meat and many other hard to source meats

There was a tv show called Ice Lake Rebels about some of the houseboat community. It was overly dramatized but did show some of the nuts and bolts of what had to happen during freeze up and break up