I was thinking a lot lately about how pervasive consumerism is and how many companies are creating “solutions” to problems you may not even have, but the product looks cool, so hey, buying it becomes an impulse for some people and they may use it a few times and it goes in a closet to collect dust. What are some products you have seen that you realize you already can make do without but their marketing makes it seem like you need? For instance air fryers. Air frying is basically convection cooking. I have a combo toaster, broiler, convection oven. Why do I need a dedicated air fryer? A “proofing basket” to make bread. I have stuff in my kitchen I can use that serves the purpose. Why do I need an overpriced “proofing” basket? An instant pot. I don’t pressure cook and honestly don’t like how stuff comes out cooked like that. Why buy one then? A plan to upgrade your smartphone every year. If my current phone works fine, why do I need to upgrade every year? Who am I trying to impress here? I could go on.

CLARIFICATION: If you use said items, awesome! Then it’s not a waste for you. But if you are buying out of impulse because it looks cool, because of FOMO, because Tik Tok influencers tell you your life will suck if you don’t have it, then not using said product, or have no need for the product, but consumerism is telling you, yes you do, and you wasted money on something that now sits collecting dust, what was the point? This is what I’m getting at.