I remember looking into that to see what I could afford for 20% of my income, homeslessness was all I could afford.


It’s also visually pleasing to view from observation decks !

For red eyes, if anyone questions it I’ll just say I was crying or didn’t sleep well. As for the explanation for as to why I’m acting dumber than usual? They don’t know my usual bc they only see me stoned so I just say I’m a dumbass 🥴

Used to transport patients for an ambulance company and picked up a patient from wound care. That was the day I learned about wound vacs. Elderly man had an open wound that took up half of his shin & smelled like he had died. We had to take him on a 45 min drive & gagged the entire ride.

Idk but my dad would kill it in sec then smoke half an o & tell me this is all he had alllll day 🤣

Exactly why I decided to not have kids. Had 2 grandparents commit suicide, dad attempted, & I’m riddled w suicidal thoughts I’ll hopefully never act on, but I just cannot fathom bringing another person into this world to struggle with that bullshit & yet people tell me I’m the selfish one 😆

Omg I stopped drinking bc of my meds & it’s scary how many people have said “so? Have a shot, it won’t do anything!” Like no thanks I’ll listen to the doctor and pharmacist not your drunk ass lol

Tried a small edible & it caused a full blown panic attack but now I smoke to ease my anxiety which makes no sense imo. However mushrooms are no bueno. Tiny amount makes me feel like I’m having the worst panic attack of my life w/o the fun high

A1 & B2 unless I am doing math then I change to A3 so I don’t confuse my I or 7 lol

Just want to add something to help everyone: people need to be careful of their smart watches! I wore my seatbelt in an accident & couldn’t figure out where the cut between my eyes came from. The impact launched my hand into my face, cracked my screen protector & sliced me open real good 😓

I used to work for a transport company & that meant I had loads of free time between pickups. I live 2 min from my most common pickup so I’d get to go home & smoke then take a nap before anyone knew I miss that 😌

I was a security supervisor at an Apple warehouse and watched a man shove an Hermes watch & band into his pants live on CCTV, right at the end of an aisle, then bring the empty box to his manager like he’d found it. Needless to say I was already waiting at the metal detectors for them & told him I watched it happen. You’d be surprised how little these people think before acting lol

I’m actually wearing a blue lace agate that looks so similar to your white baby!

If my partner and sisters have passed, my niece and nephew then charity. I don’t like the rest of my family to give them anything.

“Are sexual offenders and Sexually Violent Predators/Sexual Violent Delinquent Children allowed to live near a school, park, daycare center, etc? A: Pennsylvania’s Megan’s Law does not restrict where a sexual offender or Sexually Violent Predator/Sexual Violent Delinquent Child may reside. However, an offender may be restricted from residing near a school, park, daycare center, etc. under one of the following circumstances: The sexual offender or Sexually Violent Predator/Sexual Violent Delinquent Child is under the supervision of a federal, state, or county department of probation or parole and there are specific restrictions designating where the sexual offender or sexually violent predators may reside. The sexual offender or Sexually Violent Predator/Sexual Violent Delinquent Child is under specific court ordered restrictions designating where the offender may reside or who the offender may have contact with.” This is directly from the Megan’s Law website

I saw a squirrel laying on a branch taking a nap the other day & was the happiest person alive

You can buy a Bluetooth tea sitter for $10 or less. Stop making excuses.

Girl the map will talk to you and your phone has speaker phone and Bluetooth, stop making excuses for distracted driving. Nobody is struggling that much that they own a car and smartphone but can’t use audio only mode so they’re allowed to be distracted, that’s silly.

So sorry for your loss OP. Someone had to see something at that time of day with so many dash cams, I hope they feel comfortable to come forward.

I’ve been growing to dislike Axew only bc I have a great shiny & regular Haxorus & maybe 20 other shiny Axew from his comm day. Don’t need to see his stupid little ass for a field research task 🥲

I’m surprised I had to scroll this far to find this! I was just telling my sister how fucking weird it is. It’s like people have forgotten dead bodies can be traumatizing and triggering to see when you’re casually on Facebook or Instagram.

The auto mod says not to reply to the post. I replied to a comment. You should be more clear on your rules then you moron.

“There’s no chemical solution to a spiritual problem” was a line in The Sopranos when Chris was struggling w his addiction, it’s stuck w me ever since. “Maybe life was clearing out the things that weren’t working for you so you could rebuild” in response to things constantly going wrong “Society is the worst thing to happen to humanity”

Yes, the sub includes younger people, who do you think is asking old people? And as I’m not answering the post directly, I’m allowed to make as many comments as I’d like. Maybe you should understand how the subreddit works before making unnecessary comments, it’s literally in the subreddits rules.