
I think Sasuke takes this, but 6 or 7/10

Unless This is juubito fight Sasuke, in which case he stomps 9/10

Edit: didnt read the title

Post Kabuto EMS Sasuke should take this 8.5/10, he is back to his old calm and analyzing self.

Pre Kabuto EMS Sasuke is still mentally unbalanced, maybe still wins 4/10, depending on if he gets intel or gets thrashed before.

Ah yes good ol Souvenir

I wonder how's his wife


Since the sannin are comparable in strength, and Itachi No-diffed Orochimaru, its just common sense that the whole Akatsuki couldnt defeat Jiraiya

On a serious note, I really dont understand why Itachi couldnt just Tsukuyomi him right then and there, unless he really didnt want to, maybe because Jiraiya was a good asset for Konoha? or because Itachi is still a puppet for the elders

Unless Konan decides to go all out i dont think she can take Deidara down

SCP 001 Swann's proposal or SCP 3812 solo everything and anything in anime

Pasta looking mighty dry

I require some sauce

There are more than you think per fandom

Otherwise r/PowerScaling wouldnt exist

On a related note, SCP-3812 destroys Tenshura verse (and since its 3812 he can be considered Isekai)

"Was fighting the weakest paths" AND he had places to hide, if Jiraiya fights someone in an open land he is toast, since he will get blitzed.

As some other say, MS Sasuke is stronger than SM Jiraiya, but he becomes too cocky, something Jiraiya will not pass up.

Jiraiya wins 6-7/10, unless Sasuke takes this seriously

Even if Fugaku did have MS (which was never confirmed canon), Itachi's objective was never to achieve strength

She is not the strongest in the Nasuverse, by a longshot, Neco-Arc might be, Zeltretch is also up there.


Dying without achieving anything?

I like the concept but infection and blood loss could be countered with a "secret concoction" for very recent cuts or something that was thought to be useless in war wounds because it would take too long for the injured to be taken back to the doctor (the concoction could be very unstable, that way it can not be used as a recurrent potion in war).

Or the good ol reliable healing magic

Ohnoki stomps

Has the speed and particle style, will not let Jiraiya get SM, and even with Jiraiya's SM it would still be 50-50

Itachi does not solo the Shippuden Kages though

SM Jiraiya folds Hebi Sasuke

But I would not be so sure about base Jiraiya being able to do the same

I think it can be learned as long as someone has the 3 natures, with the difference that if someone has the 3 natures from birth, rather than through effort, the technique will be stronger, easier and cost less chakra to perform