My god. First, I’d have you chew bubblegum into your own hair. Then fuck peanut butter into your hair to get the gum out. That’s the color pink that gets very dark when it gets wet, so a shower from the top down. That’s just the foreplay. Slap a Jeff’s Models logo on it and we have a serious adult scene.

I always assumed he got the president to write something in there for her. He was so not interested in being there….

Legit spit take. Were you a writer for ‘The Departed’ - this is reddit gold.


I used to read ‘Word Up’ magazine, Salt-n-Peppa & Heavy D up in a limousine

It looks like you cycled back into time. Those are beautiful pics. Killer ride, thanks for sharing. I can feel the fresh air.

I have one. It’s just Jim Dandy. You can’t beat the price and look it’s got you out there riding so it’s a great bike and it’s yours!

Don’t sell it short. It’s a nice day it seems, green grass, no rain, on a nice bike. My good sir that’s an inspiring photo.

No. Saying that someone told me that my bike is cheap and trash because it didn’t cost $1500. Which as they put it $1500 is the cheap entry level price you should pay. Basically he was not understanding that for those who don’t have $1500 for entry level bikes, it’s nice to have an alternative for a cheaper cost. Remember all of this started with my post saying that I lost pretty much most of my cycling things in a housefire… so it was extremely shitty to read from a fellow editor in this community that I’m a piece of garbage for trying to get back on the road

The teens here are rap gangbangers and the rest of your little runts are just bad fucking kids. So that’s why.

You said if…..that’s cute. That’s adorable. So that makes you what? An insecurity adjuster? And again what about it young lady? Seems like what my teenage girl would say. Bless your heart.