There’s about to be a lot of clean shaven fat men at Magic The Gathering tournaments.


Normal weight Airmen usually only need minimal preparation.

I love reading forum threads from the late 90s – early 00s. It feels like I’m reading ancient scrolls.

She looks like she’s in the beginning stages of a very long downward spiral of stimulant addiction.

This just in: Another druggie comes to a profound realization that normal people realize at a young age without substances.

This is absolutely not an r/nottheonion worthy post to Americans. We’re all well aware of the prices.

It’s one of my favorite things to do now. Sticking to solitary activities is helping me slowly integrate back into regular society.

The worst part isn’t even his search history, recording children in public, or his own admission of being a pedo. People feel sorry for him, but either ignore or are unaware of the video of him literally pinning a little girl down saying “I gotcha”.

It’ll be the first video you see if you type ‘molestation’ in the search bar for the subreddit; there’s no telling what other depraved shit he did that wasn’t on camera.

Cringey Millennial facial expression detected.

I would pay to see an MRI and fMRI of Daniel’s brain to see what’s so structurally and neurologically wrong with his brain.

“We need to exercise our civil liberties and protest the corrupt authoritarian power structures!” Proceeds to haphazardly vandalize random objects and inconvenience the minimum wage workers who have to clean up after you. If someone points out that most of your acts of protest are ineffective, or even counterproductive, simply tell them in a condescending tone some variation of the statement “Keep licking that boot”, you will successfully checkmate the conservachud.

God's drunkest driver

Diamond ranked RPS player here. The paper only strat for best 3 out of 5 is optimal.

You know, just straight up jorkin it, as always.

Just two modern gladiators engaging in mortal combat.


You’re not screwed, forget about it and move on. All it means is you can’t have a career in the Air Force. That’s not the end of the world, there’s plenty of other things you can do with your life and still smoke weed.

It certainly could be — my personal record is 13 hours non-stop. I didn’t compete in the natural league; though, I used performance enhancing drugs (meth).

I will never forget the nightmare I had where I was driving from the back seat of a Jeep Wrangler and the brakes didn’t work.

Why is your brain so wrinkly? Mine is perfectly smooth, like a waterslide.