Did I just ruin my carbon steel pan?

I seasoned the pan exactly how I was supposed to, and the first time I went to use it, I'd cooked an egg and a few bits stuck to the pan and I inadvertently scraped those bits using a metal spatula. Now there are areas on the pan that have lightened as a result from where I scraped. I'm in the process of re-seasoning it right now but my question is: Did I damage the pan permanently? Will those spots always stick in the future?


If it was carbon steel it would have 3 pins securing the handle

I think that pan is stainless steel not carbon. I made the same mistake

Yup, you are an entitled AH. An adult who mooched off his parents for an undisclosed amount of time where you spent almost nothing on rent and my guess is you didn't contribute for electricity, heat or food. There is a thing called gratitude that you need to learn about, but likely never will.

In my previous marriage i felt like an object for him to get his rocks off. There was no romance that made me feel loved. Thats why he is my ex.

I dislike Kody as much as everyone here, but I can't help but think ihe is a product of the BS that fundamentalist mormonism teaches.. That men are the "Priesthood" of the family and in polygamy, they are like the God of the family. How ridiculous is that! But he got into it as a very young man and believed every word. Then, like a toddler he tantrums when his vision is squashed.

OMG that makes me hungry!

His pencil is this long

Maybe you did it, being the one who loves the term shit post.

The only comments j have made are listed under my own name. I wouldn’t even know how to post under a different one. Maybe get a life beyond reddit? Try cooking its a great hobby

Well aren't you just ray of sunshine this morning. LOL

Not that I know of...but I'm old so it is a possibility. :-)

Oh thank you for that tip!

Not sure what a shitpost is but i seriously believed it was carbon steel and just found out its stainless steel.

Thanks. For 3 months I have been treating it like carbon steel because that is what i thought it was! I just ordered a carbon steel pan. I feel like an idiot.

Shit you are right!!! I had asked my husband for a carbon steel pan for my birthday and just assumed that is what it was! Oh no now i have to ask for it for Christmas. Thank you for letting me know

Nope its carbon steel. Its made by Sardel

He does the curly girl method! He spends hours fixing his hair LOL