This is such a busy pedestrian & vehicle intersection, so this is great

I hope he doesn’t try to get on the high level with that rig

I am from Ontario originally, have lived in Edmonton for 15 years now but I remember what a culture shift it was for me when I first moved here.

Cars do not stop for pedestrians where I grew up. I was taught to look both ways and wait until the road was clear then cross. There was no expectation that cars would stop for you, unless at a cross walk with a sign or signals of course

It was a huge learning curve for me, but I adjusted quickly and have never had an incident or accident.

But this is incredibly sad that is occurring so often and should never happen if both driver and pedestrian are focused, which every driver should be at all times when operating a vehicle.

Also not a salad lol but, I miss the bruschetta they sold in the 2010’s. I hate onions but love tomatoes and this brand had no onions in it. Was SO good

Think they look great, nice work

I wonder why they don’t make that so clear and a huge selling feature when talking about it

Ok, it just didn’t make sense to me.. because that’s an automatic given on a credit card that you can make payments of any amount whenever you want for however long you want on items purchased

After one year of living in townhouses in Hazeldean, my rent went up $125… I was kind of shook about it and I hope it doesn’t continue to happen every year

My entire life, even as a child, I have NEVER been a morning person, ever. I always had to be woken up by my Mom, even on Christmas mornings haha. So, all that to say, still not a morning person at 39 years old, satisfied I never will be. My husband does morning routines with our kids, I luckily have a job that I don’t start until 9:30am. I would probably sleep until 9:30 everyday if I could haha.

Had a truck blow through a stop sign and almost tbone me with my 2 girls in the car on the way to school. He gave me a dirty look and kept going… classic

It just sickens me to my core how many of these things never see the light of day because of money. Are the parties who accept the payouts ever charged? They are an accomplice as far as I see it

I can still see them with my 40 year old eyes!

Oh man, I wonder what the demo was like to tear that down and what became of all the materials, would be nice to know if they were repurposed. Such a shame, looks like a beautiful building

The door was padlocked but, she was “free to leave anytime” according to the brother. So sickening

This is so unreal. I hope he can somehow get the help he will need and can experience some sort of real life

Dookie hands down. This was my coming of age album