It's an eldritch horror who's supposed to help clear the earth off so that when the stars are right, Cthulu will wake and take over his rightful kingdoms, because he's not dead, but dreaming in the Deeps.



Nope. This little dude is sick with the Shope papilloma virus. Not only does it cause these keratinous/horny growths all over the rabbit, it often also causes cancer in rabbits, too. It's a relative of the human papilloma viruses, which can cause cancer in humans.

As for the jackalope, no. The jackalope was a joke done by a couple brothers who were skilled hunters and trappers in addition to taxidermists. They slapped a couple pronghorn antlers on a stuffed jackrabbit and the jackalope was born.

Or better yet, set it up like 'Whose Line Is It Anyway?' If it's gonna be a circus, let's at least make it fun.

I still have mine! I loved that they sampled the original Outer Limits in Jago's theme.

They ARE hypocrites. They don't LOOK like hypocrites. Again, they ARE hypocrites. And it's 'their,' not "they're."

The Republican party didn't exist in those days. It wasn't formed until 1854, nearly 80 years AFTER the Revolution. It was made up of abolitionists, ex-Whigs, and ex-Free Soilers, and the Whigs and Free Soilers were right wing of their day. They quickly rose to become the opposition to the (then) Democratic Party and the now extinct Know-Nothing Party.

Things were different in those days and the traits we associate with each political party have basically done a 180 since then.

A lot of the high suicide rate also comes from dealing with cruel and stupid animal abusers. Neglect is a form of abuse, and boy could any vet tell you some horror stories once they get a few drinks in them.

That's a cultural thing, though. It wasn't unusual for girls to get married in their mid to late teens in those days. We'd call that 'child marriage' today, but in those days, it wasn't. Most women in colonial times got married in their late teens to early 20s, and could probably expect to die in childbirth or from disease around 30. Not so much nowadays.

Yeah, doves don't eat mealworms. They eat seeds and grain, and our cities are pigeon paradises because of all the ornamental plants that seed, grasses that seed, and then refined grain products like bread tossed out or left lying around outside. Want to attract scores of local doves? Seed your lawn, let the seeds sit on the surface, and watch the fun begin.

Chickens and doves are like comparing monkeys and horses. They're both birds, but have radically different dietary needs.

ETA: and parrots/parakeets are different than both chickens and doves. Macaws love nuts, for example, and their beaks are strong, sharp, and hooked to cut through the thick shells of Brazil nuts and other tropical fruits and nuts with hard shells while the hook on the end of their beak can dig out and spear the tasty nut meat inside. Their beaks can not only break open nuts with ease, they're also sharp and strong enough to shear your fingers off if they decide to bite. But they eat far more fruit and nuts than chickens or doves, for example.

What's good for one type of bird may be 180 from another bird's needs.

Good call, as IIRC robins can't swim.

The angle of the camera and the look on its face makes it look almost like a feathered frog. Still, thanks for rescuing the little borb!

All pigeons are species of doves. Not all doves are pigeons.

They're both seed eaters and like many of the same things. Millet and sunflower seeds are avian crack. Parakeets/budgies will go through you to get to the millet, and pigeons will too.

Because 'MAH 2A FREEDUMBS!!' Guns are in the Constitution. Child grooming isn't. And the cruelty IS the point.

Hell yeah, I'd take the deal. I've never liked Mexican food, even the Americanized shit. Now, if this was never eat Asian food again, I'd be fucked. I love sushi and Chinese food.

Estimates vary, but I've seen 1:3500 to 1:10000 for male torties and calicos. The reason for this is because they're XXY. not the standard issue XY male. XXY in humans is Klinefelter Syndrome, and a lot of men who have it don't know it until they try to have kids and fail. Then they go in for testing and there's the extra X chromosome.

Red and black colour genes are located on the X chromosomes in cats. They're the ends of a seesaw, so when one is on, the other MUST be switched off. Cats are mammals like we are and use the same XY sex determination system we do. So a male calico or torte is (39, XXY) instead of the standard (38, XY) of a normal male cat. A standard female cat is (38, XX).

Grumpy smol robin. Mom and Dad are nearby and feeding it a steady diet of worms and bugs. Leave it alone unless it's like in the middle of the street and in imminent danger of grievous injury or death.

I live in Arizona, Phoenix actually, and that was ALLL over the news. People were PISSED when they found out. It's a miracle that people didn't actually torch those fields, seeing as we have a nasty tendency to burn to the ground every summer. I'm surprised, yet not surprised, that the Saudis were allowed to farm alfalfa here. ALWAYS follow the money trail, because water and mineral rights are inextricably linked with money.

You're preaching to the choir in a lot of ways here.

Thing is, they don't give a damn if the talking points aren't based in reality. Their whole *worldview* isn't based in reality. They literally want to burn the world down because they believe that will bring about the End Times, then Christ will come again and Rapture the worthy. I wish I was joking. It doesn't sound insane, it IS insane, but that's what a lot of them honestly believe.

Another thing is that the people at the top will be systematically looting the country while everyone else is trying to dodge the secret police. That comes from history. I've seen this movie before and it has a seriously downer ending. :/

The Gaza/Israel war is just another chapter in a conflict stretching back over 3000 years. Turns out there's a huge aquifer under that area, or there was. It's nearly depleted. What these people are *really* fighting over is water, not religion, not ideology. Most foot soldiers aren't aware that they're really fighting over water, though. This is another reason their higher ups hate the coastal countries, as Israel has huge desalination plants to turn Mediterranean saltwater into usable fresh water. They want access and they don't have it.

Or he's gonna BE a massive Thanksgiving dinner.

Hell, they'll crash the WORLD economy if given half a chance. One of the things in P25 is to return us to the gold standard. It's a noble idea, but the problem is that the US dollar is the world's reserve currency. If we went back to the gold standard, it would collapse everything as there is literally not enough gold to cover debts if other governments decide to cash in. There would literally be riots, chaos, and people starving in the streets if this happened.

Just have a couple chickens work in tandem. They *can* hunt in groups but just usually don't. A full grown rat with two or three chickens fighting over it will literally be torn in half in a minute or two, then gobbled down.

I used to see a lot of them when I first moved to Phoenix. Lots of starlings, too. The native grackles, mourning doves, and mockingbirds drove most of them out years ago and I haven't seen a sparrow or starling for years. It's rare for the native birds to drive out the invasive ones, but they have here. Score one for the home team.

Most bird species have the female larger than the male. This is especially apparent in birds of prey, where a female could be up to 30% larger than her mate.

He's adorable! I'd name him Pavarotti, Caruso, Botticelli, or any other famous opera singer's name. ;)