Maybe the person is just REALLY unlikeable and would drive anyone to kill them

Not sure why he would lie about it. I remember he said what impressed him the most was how symmetrical they were. It also may have been the severity of the crash (not necessarily the airbag) that made it so extreme.

I have a friend who’s an ER doctor. He had a teenage girl come in with both her femurs THROUGH her shoulders . She was riding shotgun with her legs up on the dashboard when they rear ended someone.

InDesign. Not to put too fine a point on it, but it's exactly what ID is designed for.

As an extra, I'll add that I'm beginning to pick up a significant amount of work because I'm well-versed in ID and there aren't that many who are. It's a shame that so many designers aren't fluent in the most-ubiquitous page layout tool.

He cited two chapters of the ACI 318 [Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete] ... 7 & 17. Chapter 7 [maybe that was a typo on his part] does not apply as it only deals with how rebar is to be used. Chapter 17 basically says that in Slab on Grade [SOB] situations, it's not structural as the concrete must be able to handle the live load on its own. But the re-bar is there for "structural integrity" which basically means to keep it from cracking or at least cracking badly. Yes, you can absolutely drill it but the whole "rebar isn't for 'strength'" is misleading.

Since you’re forcing me to now be pedantic, also from Adobe: “Technically, a PDF is a PS file that has already been translated and laid out on the page so that a user can view all the visual elements. This made it the "next step" in desktop publishing when it first launched. PostScript is a programming language that a variety of printers can translate.” Yes, all Photoshop files are (essentially) raster files but when saved in PDF (postscript) format they become vector-based I.e. they are “wrapped” in postscript (vector).

I said PDFs are vector FORMAT... not that they couldn't contain raster elements.

They're all vector FORMAT. Whether or not they actually contain vector elements depends on the doc ...

Y'all should meet the alumni from Central University of North Texas ...

And who EXACTLY got screwed in 2008? HINT: it wasn’t the banks …

It’s amazing to me how many people in the industry don’t know that PDFs are vector format

I have a client who can’t figure out how to email JPGs … so they put them into a Word file and then send that as an attachment. It’s like watching a farmer use a pitchfork all day and then go home to eat his salad with chop sticks…

Definitely the left side of my neck, just above where it meets my shoulder. A good crack there is like an orgasm ... hhmmm ...

Gross Pointe Blank… saw it when came out… liked it. Didn’t see it again for 20 years and THEN realized it is a masterpiece.

Help IS available… they left an open roll of tin foil just for y’all… you’re welcome!