Yeah, I don't know if it's just the lighting, but that's not a good look. Even ignoring the burnt french toast.

Fucking awesome. Seriously, this is badass.

What? She's never known da feet.

As if the women need to be well-endowed...

Wait, what? That's stupid. I guess verifying would complicate things on their part, but it's still more than a little absurd.

I love the aesthetic of flails, but they were such a disappointment that I barely used them.

Ditto for us. She and I were both enthusiastic about learning, and neither of us have regrets.

I had a Mormon co-worker who, I swear, re-married her ex simply because she was desperate for sex. They're a weird bunch.

Hey, if he wants to focus on all the ways he's better than his wife's ex, let him go for it. I mean, ignore him, but let him have at it.

Autonauts! You need to program the robots yourself, to harvest crops, craft items, feed colonists, etc. It gets easier as you go on, but there was a good bit of trial and error for me and my wife (and she works as a software developer). Still, it's approachable enough that anyone with a logical mind should enjoy it.

Edit: Corrected name.

This is my experience, as well. There are times that I go for a month+ without, and there are other times where I do it three times a day for a week. Admittedly, the latter case is increasingly rare as I get older.

I've never seen this picture, but I know enough that I will never doubt the cruelty of my forefathers.

I mean, OP mentioned RimWorld specifically. It's only natural for those with a differing experience/opinion to comment.

Yeah, I have no issues at all. I've played hundreds of hours of RimWorld on my Deck. Of course, I had extensive experience with it prior to getting a Deck, and I can't be sure of how much that impacted my experience on the Deck.

But how will I know I'm a man if I don't aggressively talk about my masculinity?

Woo, strawmen! Not that you're wrong in your sentiment, "you stupid b*tch sl*t Karen" kind of overdoes it.

Same. I would have loved this leveling speed when I was grinding out the others, but now it leaves me starved even more quickly between updates. I think it was the right decision on the devs' part, regardless.

That's exactly what I thought. This is an extremely impressive cosplay.

Very nice! I enjoy the engineer quite a bit! His abilities are definitely my style.

My Far Cry 3 experience made this video much more stressful.

No matter how much a democrat may dislike Biden, they need to suck it up and vote against Trump. No third party is going to win, so vote against the candidate who is solidly the lesser of two evils.