Passenger is putting on lipstick in the car. Driver gets cut-off and has to slam the brakes. Passenger holding lipsticks gets jerked forward. The seats get covered in lipstick. Passenger refuses to even attempt cleaning the mess they made let alone pay for proper cleaning because "You were driving erratically!". Driver is stuck with a new stain that'll likely never come out without professional cleaning.

That's the best case scenario, worst case is someone getting that lipstick jammed in their eye during an accident and seriously injured. Don't do make-up in a moving vehicle, it's moronic as hell.

Honest conversations when you hit a dry spell and how to reconnect after it

Time for the direct and difficult honest conversation part.

You're the kind of fucker who dumps their popcorn on the floor at the movies, I see.

Yeah, the list really just boils down to "be respectful"

But most people struggle with that so they had to spell it out.

Also the real issue is current technology could solve the problems. The issue isn't capability, it's actual implementation.

The whole "we shouldn't do it now because we'll be able to do it better in 5/10/20 etc. years" argument is stupid, we have to stop pushing off problems for the next generation to deal with it instead. Sure, it'll be easier to do in 10 years. But it'll be even easier in 10 years if we start NOW.

...No, they were asking if running two 1080 monitors would have the same performance impact on their rig as running one 4k monitor. OP doesn't even have a 4k display. (Which you would know if you actually read past the title, maybe try that before being adamant on what the question was "clearly about")


Probably couldnt find it because "this thing" is multiple devices tied together as some sort of corporate package deal. I found the network switches (ws-x5234-rj45) immediately. It's 10/100 old, doesn't even support 1gig. So yeah, a $50 netgear from Walmart will probably outclass this thing

Didn't bother looking up the PSUs but I'd assume same situation, and I can't quite make out the model on the "supervisor" unit buy I'm guessing it's a WS-x5530

Alright, let's have a world with none of those things. Everything is perfect with society, everyone treats each other fairly, all of the rulers are just. The only real issue is the threat of monsters.

Congratulations, you've made a boring ass generic trash isekai world.

Also including no evidence of the guy denying 9/11, or any mention of it whatsoever.

No need to include any context of the rest of what they said, we'll just trust you bro. It's not like people would lie on the internet.

Intent doesn't matter if the cause was negligence, and neglecting to properly maintain systems in order to save money would 100% be a policy to save money that caused this.


There's quite a few vocal people that can't quite seem to grasp the concept of "you are not the target demographic".

Yeah, it's a fucking lot for a monitor stand. But it's a commercial product, it's for actual production and just not something you can compare to whatever $500 consumer gaming monitor you might actually get for yourself. Commercial product means its being sold to a business, and everything in that sector of being targeted at businesses costs $$$$ because:

1.They're manufactured at a much lower scale. Less units made and sold means you need much larger margins on each unit to actually profit off a product after all the money that was spent into R&D, prototyping, machining, etc.

  1. They know that businesses are willing to spend a lot more on a product they need to make money themselves, as opposed to a product consumers merely want to have. It's a bit messed up, but that's capitalism. Sure a few enthusiasts here and there with money burning a hole in their wallet might get one, but they're such an insignificant amount of who actually gets this stuff they probably aren't even accounted for in projections.

I mean if they're complaining about this it's not likely they have much experience with real ones

Yeah but this sub is for things that are mildly infuriating in general, not things that are mildly infuriating because you don't grasp basic concepts.

"The bag is mostly empty!" That's because The air acts as a cushion to keep the chips from breaking

"I don't care, I expected more chips!" The bag is labeled. You got exactly as much as the bag says would be in it. What's actually infuriating is that you didn't take 3 seconds to read the bare minimum on the food you're putting into your body.

You mean to tell me Duece Bigalow: Male Giggalo is misguided on basic science?


Yeah, different products for different needs and preferences. I'll never get a device where I can only get apps from a single curated store, a lot of people don't care about that because they'd never sideload anything.

To each their own.

Yeah, already edited when I looked more into the event, this was the first I heard of it and I defaulted to rant mode, poor choice on my part. The rest of my griefs with their organization and how they operate are still valid.

Also, hysterics? I'm hoping you just don't know the origins of that word. It originally was meant to describe when women get emotional because of their period. Literally from the Greek "hystera" meaning uterus. Dated as hell and pretty cringe to still use.

Yeah, realized they probably wouldn't use permanently defacing materials after I went through my rant and looked it up as well. Edited my comment to include that while you responded, will include you in the edit as well since you responded as I was doing that.


EDIT: Looked into it, its powder paint that will wash away with rain. Still bullshit and the rest of my points stand. u/PricklyyDick also responded with the same info as I was editing.

No, but if that's acrylic paint, they basically permanently defaced a historic monument. It'll be forever marred by their actions, that paint isn't going away without damaging the stone. And some people have to save for a very long time to have even one chance in a lifetime to travel to places like this. Even if your photo is good because of pop-culture relevance, your expected experience was ruined by selfish assholes.

And if it's a "WeLl ThE EnViRoNmEnt iS pErMeNaTlY sCaRrEd" kind of petty BS retaliatory response, they're fucking morons because doing the exact thing they hate and going "See, SEE!" will convince no one. I've seen no positive response to any of their antics yet they keep doing such stupid shit.

I'm 100% for the enviroment and conservation. The EPA needs a stronger arm, we needed to switch to cleaner sustainable energy sources half a century ago. Fossil fuels are responsible for global warming. It's 100% a real issue that needed to be dealt with decades ago. We need better protections for national parks, nature conservatories, etc., and it's ludicrous what major corporations can still get away with globally.

But holy shit are these protests the dumbest fucking things ever. "How can we get people on our side and get awareness higher? Let's do something virtually the whole world will find obnoxious!"

At this point I'm like 99% sure their a plant organization meamt to make climate activists look terrible. They just can't be real people who believe they're making a difference. Because if they aren't, if this is the actual actions of real people thinking they're making the right decisions to effect positive change, I give the fuck up.

You did though, you just didn't realize. Sirius being included =/= Sirius being free. You paid for a car & you paid for Sirius, they're just lumped together in a way that makes it basically impossible to avoid and you technically become a customer of them. I'm sure if you read the nitty gritty fine print it gave them permission to share your info with Sirius, it's a scummy practice and you're technically allowed to opt out, but the dealership will never tell you that.

In summary, fuck Sirius

For real, that's intentional as hell. They aren't making a mistake, they're doing it on purpose.

You know the normal response to finding out someone you know is actually post-transition and you never noticed before? "Oh, I couldn't even tell. Neat, good for them" and then zero change to how you interact with that person because absolutely nothing had changed.

What a bunch of fucking twats.

No, their point was any business that's going to hire high school kids I'd going to be paying minimum wage, because they're after the absolute bare minimum requirements and targeting individuals with no other job experience to go "oh, I might be getting taken advantage of here".

They were dissing the establishment, which would be obvious if you used even a tiny bit of critical thinking to include the context of their entire comment in relation to the whole thread, instead of laser focusing on a single part of what they said and making ill-informed assumptions.

It goes both ways. It protects from recessive abnormalities (e.g. why men predominantly suffer from male pattern baldness while its much rarer in women), but it also increases the risk of dominant abnormalities (e.g. why women are much more likely to anemia). Overall, because there's such a size difference between the X and Y chromosomes there's a lot more chances for XX Fetuses to have variations that result in the fetus not being viable.

Again, not a doctor or biologist and just going from memory, so anyone more qualified feel free to correct me.

Not a biologist so i could be mistaken, but from what i remember from high school Bio class it's because boys have XY chromosomes and girls have XX.

The X Chromosome is much larger than the Y chromosome, making it more likely for the XX combination to have genetic variations that make the fetus unviable.

I agree with you for personal preference, but if it was always -40C we would literally all die. We wouldn't be able to grow food.