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Unfortunately I dont know a lot about flash games. I just thought I would mention those because it seemed like the ones I listed. If you could remember anything else about the game, like any of the mechanics, maybe even how any of the menus might have looked, do you remember anything about resources or how you acquire them? There were so many flash games back in the day that weren't big hits so it's tough to find a lot about them unless you played them yourself.


This looks like This War of Mine, I could be wrong though because it wasn't really zombies

Theres a few other games I can think of like it, like Fallout Shelter. Though these arent from 2009, and I don't think they are flash games so I could be totally wrong.

Theres another one called Sheltered.


Dodging is actually pretty useful in Nioh. A lot of attacks can be avoided by just dodging left and right. Stances can make a big difference for enemies as well.

I've only really used the Odachi, and sword weapons. These imo are the easiest weapons to use as their attacks are fairly straightforward. You can change weapons anytime, the only difference is how your stats will affect your weapon damage. Try out a few different weapons to get a feel of them, maybe you will like something better than axes and whatever else you've been using. Some stances like high stance can hit weak spots on enemies easier like demon horns. Low stance is good for fast attacks, and against enemies that stay close to the ground.

Magic buffs are really strong in this game especially vs bosses. Ones that slow enemies, lower attack, and raise defense, are all great to use before a boss fight. I havent used Ninjutsu much, but it doesnt seem nearly as useful, though adds other interesting ways to play.

Eventually you will start to get soul cores, these are special yokai attacks, do some experimenting for what you find good. I found for myself the best one is the Serpent Boss, it does a lot of damage and often completely depletes the bar of yokai.

Try to get Life gained on Amrita gained, you can join a clan with this bonus. It helps a ton for sustainability, I think its OP, it's the only one I use. Later on you can even get a magic buff that makes you gain amrita on hit, meaning you will gain life every time you hit an enemy. Generally this ability doesnt do much for bosses because you get amirite when things die or when you loot things, but with the buff it'll work with bosses as well.

When you do get a ranged weapon always aim for the head of enemies, the reticle should be red with a red dot in the center. The center dot indicates a headshot and the red circle will indicate a 1 hit kill, if its yellow it will damage but not kill. A lot of regular enemies will often die with 1 ranged shot to the head, if the enemy is wearing a helmet the first shot will knock off their helmet and draw their attention to you doing no damage. Its easy to forget to use your bow, but it makes it really easy to clear out some enemies since a lot of them die in 1 hit to the head.

Robotech for the SNES! I have great memories of the game, had a lot of fun with it, I remember there were these strange little capsule things you could open as rewards in battle. I tried playing a rom of it years ago but it didn't have the same feel.

I remember when the game came out. Bioware hadn't made a choose your answer in conversations game for ages, I think the last one was Jade Empire. I was so excited for it I picked it up during a midnight release went home and beat the game the day I got it. I played for about 22 hours straight.


I also normally play about 3-4 feet from my 50 inch screen. I apparently have 25/20 vision when wearing contacts and but do not have great vision at distance.

Yea sorry about that, I was trying to use ChatGPT to help with finding out the title but after trying to help a few people I have learned that the AI is useless for finding the right game. It often suggests games saying it has certain aspects when in reality it has none. I know this because it was giving me a game result I knew and di not have the features that it claimed it had.

You need to give more information, you talk about the visuals but give no examples. What type of art style is the game? Realistic, Cartoon, 2d, 3d? What type of gameplay did you see. You mentioned magic? What kind of magic did you see? What type of clothes were they wearing? How do you know its higher than 60 fps? A PS5/Xbox console can only go up to 60fps, any higher and it needs to be on PC. Can you describe the map screen any more, what did you see on it? How do you know it's a looter/dungeon crawler?

I've searched female playable characters with long red hair in a dress and found almost nothing similar.

Any chance this is Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance? I've been searching for a game with the afterlife effect you mention but with not much luck anywhere.

Oh whoops, I actually was thinking of the original prey, but when I looked it up must have gotten that picture from th me new one. I never played the newer prey game.

This kinda sounds like Prey for the xbox 360, but seems it was also on PC. Any chance this is the grenade? 


Is it possible that it might have been a spaceship you are flying? Also, are you sure the game was in english, could it have been a foreign game?

Could it be Air Buster? 

Ok with your added info of horror it says maybe Mystery Legends: Sleepy Hollow

Hmm ok sorry, I actually used ChatGPT for this game, it seemed pretty certain. The one difference was that it involved a golden necklace not a plate.

Hey bud I did a chatbot search and it said its pretty sure of the game you are thinking of is called "Dream Chronicles"

You could always go next door and ask your neighbor 😁

Saw this on an older post here: Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes

Wish I could help but I'm not sure, try looking at this post and see maybe if you can find the game listed here:

That doesn't ring any bells for me. Can you describe how the game looked, was it pixel graphics? Top down perspective?