My alcohol dad compared alcohol addiction to being gay. Spoiler⚠ Content Warning: {describe here}

I’m travelling with my dad and he keeps drinking like two wine bottles per day.

When I called him out for drinking he said being gay is even worse than being alcoholic and raged. He started talking about nature and how men are born with parts to “use with women.” He said “I have a defect I’m a drunk, and you’re gay. So we’re 1 to 1.” He laughed like it was a gotcha.

I’m so upset. He appeared to have become more accepting when sober but this just confirms it’s a facade. I don’t know how he can claim to be a leftist in public and then say these things in private to me. I’m so exhausted.


You should Google how to stop being such an asshole. He can ask and if you don’t have a response — don’t reply. As we can clearly see by other responses, other people had positive things to contribute.

Why are people downvoting I am honestly telling what happened and never blamed anyone but myself.

Does HBS prefer Harvard College graduates?Admissions

I know business schools say they don’t prefer people from their undergrad, but what is the truth. Both for general and for 2+2.


That is a good strategy, I will set my alarms for the earliest I must wake up every day.

I’m an intern but I was placed in a position where I’m responsible over other interns and people visiting our building who can’t photograph/bring certain items/say certain things in the building.

Our lunch is weird because we can take it whenever… it just has to add up to one hour. Had it been a set return time I think I would’ve done better. I think that’s one thing that I’m struggling with. Because at my internship every day at this job is a different start time (in school I’m never late, it’s a consistent routine). So that’s why I think a stopwatch will probably help for lunch. And for start lateness I always set alarm the night before now.

Nope, this is my first time being fully independent at a job. Like having to wake up, commute, go, do stuff. I like the independence but I definitely have a lot to work on

Yes, I’ve never been late (to the internship) ever since the first lateness because I’ve set alarms and I’ve been punctual. However I think the extended lunch break today set me back. I’m going to start a stopwatch now so I can be back at the desk on time and also so I have evidence that I took below 1 hour.

I have to secure the space and make sure people don’t do things like film areas they can’t or bring in items. I got in trouble because someone filmed in an area and when I noticed I stuttered and tried to cushion telling him to put his phone away instead of just saying it. I also think it didn’t help the person breaking the rule was so much older than me. Like he’s an older intern (about to graduate) but in a lower position in the office. My manager was very upset.

I’m completely bombing my first internshipCareer/work

I’m bombing my internship. I’m a rising sophomore who just finished my first year of college and I’m doing my first internship ever. I got placed into the top internship in the office and I’m the youngest person to ever do this position, and now I think I can see why. I think I’m better on paper than I am in real life. Here are my flaws:

  • Not assertive (can’t confidently tell someone they are doing something wrong)
  • Poor communication (failing to communicate out of fear of the result. Including not being able to communicate lateness ahead of time)
  • Trouble being on time (I’ve only been majorly late once but it was enough to make me worry)
  • Trouble following directions (like lunch lasts one hour but I took 80 minutes today cause I didn’t keep track of time and was talking with people)

My manager has yelled at me twice already. Mostly about the 2nd and 4th incident, and says I won’t finish the internship if he talks to me again. And it’s clear he doesn’t like me because he talks to other intern casually and not me, and the assistant managers always joke that he wants me fired.

Meanwhile, the other intern (he is going into senior year) is doing extra work, does everything perfectly and seamlessly, and is so good at networking.

I know I have strengths. I mean I got into an Ivy League (without prior connections or money) for a reason, right? I’m creative. I’m talented artistically. I’m very good at technical things like writing or using computers efficiently, that is why I have excellent grades. But I’m scared none of this will matter if I can’t do basic things like follow directions on time. It’s like driving.

It doesn’t matter if you’re amazing at navigation if you can’t operate a vehicle and get your license. Ugh, sorry, just had to say this, I feel like a failure right now.

EDIT: Just wanted to add some extra information. My struggle with timeliness is more about the lack of routine at the internship. This work has a different start time every day and we can take lunch whenever we want (it just needs to add to an hour). I’m never late at school because I have a consistent routine, so it’s really the inconsistency that I’m working through and learning from. It’s key though because the field I want to do will have inconsistent schedules.

EDIT 2: Thank you everyone for the advice. I think I will be okay and the manager was just making sure I don’t repeat the mistake again. I will improve and learn so I can do good in future jobs and do well in law school or business school apps :,)

I’m completely bombing my first internship. How do I improve? How do I not feel bad about myself?Advice

I’m bombing my internship. I’m a rising sophomore who just finished my first year of college and I’m doing my first summer internship ever. I got placed into the top internship in the office and I’m the youngest person to ever do this position, and now I think I can see why. Here are my flaws:

  • Not assertive (can’t confidently tell someone they are doing something wrong. Like someone beneath me broke a rule and I stuttered in telling him to stop)
  • Poor communication (failing to communicate out of fear of the result. Including not being able to communicate lateness ahead of time)
  • Trouble being on time
  • Trouble following directions (like lunch lasts one hour but I took 80 minutes cause I didn’t keep track of time and was talking with people)

My manager has yelled at me twice already and says I won’t finish if he talks to me again.

Meanwhile, the other intern (he is going into senior year) is doing extra work, does everything perfectly and seamlessly, and is so good at networking.

I know I have strengths. I mean I got into an Ivy League (without prior connections or money) for a reason, right? I’m creative. I’m talented artistically. I’m very good at technical things like writing or using computers efficiently, this is why I have excellent grades. But I’m scared none of this will matter if I can’t do basic things like follow directions on time. It’s like driving.

It doesn’t matter if you’re amazing at navigation if you can’t operate a vehicle and get your license. Ugh, sorry, just had to say this, I feel like a failure right now.

I’m 19 and interested in many career paths

So today my therapist made me write down a list of careers I would be happy with if I had absolutely no barriers so I could identify patterns in what I want to do. Right now I just feel so unfulfilled going down the consulting/finance path, which is what most of my peers at my Ivy League are doing. And here was my list:

Urban planner (Like Robert Moses but for trains)


Comedian/Talk Show Host

Visual Artist

High-Profile Journalist (interviewing celebrities, politicians, etc…)

Left-wing National politician (US Senate, US House)

Now just by looking I already see some patterns. I have always been very creative (artist, creative) and have wanted to put that into a career, and on that same note politically involved growing up. I also admit, maybe to my detriment, that I do like the feeling of leaving a legacy or having an impact at a broader scale. I don’t think I’d be happy doing a career where I just work in a cynical and then leave. What do you think? I’m trying to consider what is most realistic for me. For example, I am a songwriter but I have zero connections in Hollywood, while I do have political connections and have already done many internships for federal leaders.

I think I accidentally traumatized my cousin from rollercoasters [Kings Dominion]Trip Report

My cousin recently immigrated to the US from Colombia and I thought this would be a great chance to take him to a U.S. amusement park since he told me he’s never been on a proper roller coaster.

I thought that to get him over any fears it would be a good idea for him to ride the most intense ride first. So I took him to the back of the park and we rode Project 305…

He was shaking afterwards. After that he refused to even go on the B&M or the wooden coasters. I think he thinks all roller coasters are as wild as Project 305…

Lesson learned, if you want to create a new enthusiast, do not make them ride Project 305 first…

Edit: I apologized to him and he says it is okay. He is 20 years older than me so I think he understands my brain is not fully there yet… I promised him we could go to another theme park like Busch Gardens one day and we will start with the small rides and work our way up.

If I was 100% honest on Reddit I could be doxxed almost instantly, so I don’t really I prioritize making my post history consistent (but it is very close to consistent). I do need honest and serious answers to this question

Annually it’s about the same. But YLS will take an extra year of tuition. So considering that plus the opportunity cost of not working that year it is a bit more.

Do you think there’s anything YLS might provide political networking wise that HBS wouldn’t? That has been my main consideration for Yale, in addition to public speaking skills, attention to detail etc… someone studying to be a lawyer would get