I noticed a long time ago that she uses queer people as props. She likes having them in her social circles and photo shoots but NEVER spoke out about any homophobic policies or public figures bc it’d be too polarizing for her audience, particularly those that became fans at the beginning when she was a country artist. It wasn’t until she was at the top for YEARS that she actually said something out loud/on social media

They switch between top and bottom, yes.

You asked if they could be neutral or whatever, the word for that is switch. The lack of provided equipment doesn’t negate the dynamic of a “top” and “bottom” in the bedroom sometimes. Humans love binaries.

OP literally said it’s a dealbreaker for him lmao

First three messages and “several dates” is a big range of time my friend

lol “switch” is maybe what you’re looking for?

How much do you exercise? Can you get away from your desk? I find when I get like this, I spiral unless I leave my desk and do something physical. Better to be away for an hour than unproductive for 8.

Also have you tried the 2 minute timer method? I can’t remember what it’s called but you start a timer for two minutes and start a task and if you hate it, you stop and try another task for 2 minutes

I didn’t assume anything and I specifically said I was speaking as a woman to emphasize that while I understand my perspective is different, I am trying to understand why it doesn’t seem like men are excited to be approached either. I said I was surprised that people felt like dating was so hard it’s not worth it AT ALL. I have lots of other things in my life but I don’t think it feels 100% complete without a partner so I’ll probably keep trying forever idk.

LA 6 probably 😂

Ugh see I’m funny someone date me

You say that but loneliness is detrimental to your health so it’s just less of an immediate consequence! At least in my opinion.

I’m speaking as a woman who has always actively pursued people and hit on men in public and made the first move on dating sites and have asked for dates, etc. I very rarely have a man pursuing me in any way and I’d say I’m like a Midwest 8/10

I mean last week a man who was 30 years my senior that would not let my friend and I walk away from him. That was creepy and ruined the vibe. There is a wide spectrum of behavior and we talk about the creepy ones the most but if you were at a brewery and asked someone “hey! I’m about to grab a beer, which ones do you like here?” That’s just being a normal person

I’m on those subs and I feel like the posts I see are more like “where are the men” not “wow so many men throwing themselves at me I can barely walk in public”

Okay well I don’t have those handy and don’t know what “ABS” stands for

A 2019 survey found 13% of Australians met their partners at work. More people meet partners online than in person or at work combined


I guess I’m surprised at how many people are acting like relationships (finding them then being in them) don’t require lots of effort. Job hunting isn’t easy but is still “worth the effort”

Who is saying that?? I’ve never said that nor heard anyone say that

I’m attractive and I’ve tried talking to men in public and it has never ever worked out for me. This whole “creepy guy” thing seems like it’s been taken way further than what women were complaining about. I think being normal and striking up a convo is always fine but being followed around a club is not ya know

22% of married couples meet at work, 15% in college. So how the heck are all these other people meeting?!

Why? Are men not interested in dating?

The rate of kidnapped children has fallen from 2015 to now if that’s any consolation

Are there chores you could be taking care of while at work instead of gaming? Making grocery lists, meal plans, reading parenting books, etc.

You don’t have to worship a god for it to be religion. Having a belief in anything superhuman is religion: spiritual immortality (Taoism) or ancestor worship and cosmic harmony (Confucianism)