I've been struggling for a while, and I just can't make myself do my work tasks. I don't know why this is happening or if it is really executive dysfunction, or just "burnout", or just avoidance due to anxiety that I can't control, or all 3. I want to get this done, I know I need to get this done, but I almost feel paralyzed when I have to try.

I can spend 8 hours in a day at my desk and accomplish absolutely 0% of what I need to get done. I woke up this morning with a plan, set up steps in my mind, but I can't even make myself do step 1. I feel like I can easily do things unrelated to my main responsibilities, but anything that approaches my main task becomes more and more difficult.

This hasn't always been the case for me. It's been getting worse and worse over the past year, taking me longer and longer to do things - I also find myself breaking down and crying while doing them until I have to stop. It's been a slow decline from about average to above average productivity, all the way down to 0%.

I don't know how to fix myself at this point. I've reached out to my doctor but everything takes so long.

I'm just hoping for some positivity or something wondering if anyone understands.