I beat the game but I'm not even sure what the general plot in 15 was, I was too busy fishing and cooking with my buddies.

Yes we do make those choices but don't pretend like writing on the receipt and shorting the wait staff is some kind of protest.

"I want to send a message, but only if it doesn't inconvenience me."

Before Stonehenge there was Strawhenge and Woodhenge.

Joe knows how to snark though, we've seen it in multiple debates. Exhibit A being the Paul Ryan VP debate.

I had an ex whose sister's name was Erin, and before me he dated TWO different Erins.

I taught myself to like these as a kid because of Harriet the Spy

Every time I see an insane op ed headline on WaPo, it's Thiessen. That dude is the hugest Trump asskisser I've ever seen.


Please get in contact with a local TNR group. If you don't get them fixed they will multiply like crazy. San Bernardino county provides free spray and neuter services so you'd just need somebody to help you with trapping. DM me or the other poster to get info.

For anyone else in SB County: https://animalcare.sbcounty.gov/tnvr/

Are you able to get any vegetables? You could make savory pancakes.

E.g. this recipe, ignore the soybean paste and use whatever vegetables you have instead of green onion:


One time my phone slipped out of my hands and I was trying to grab it mid air but ended up slapping it right into the wall.


Yeah to be clear to everyone Kukui Gardens is a housing project and probably one of the worst ones in Honolulu. This was not some cutesy beachfront location. I also give little weight to the police officer's thoughts on the fingers being preserved, if this was just a random HPD officer.


Also Denise Richards, playing an idiot version of herself. J'adore la piscine.

I once had a dream I was touring an apartment with a grocery store on the bottom floor and a tunnel connecting it to some other shops, like a small mall. If I had a billion dollars I would build it.

One bag or drawer full of old plastic Longs bags

If you don't have a regular savings account or something easily accessible in event of an emergency (and from your post it doesn't look like you do), I think save up a bit first in that account before you bump the 401k up. If you want it to be in a brokerage you can buy a money market fund or T bills. You don't want to be in a position where you have to take a loan against the 401k or take money out of your IRA.

Use a paycheck calculator, find out what your net pay is going to be if you max it versus don't max it. Then add the 401k contribution back into the equation so you can see the difference.

Scenario 1 (max 401k): Net monthly paycheck + $1,916.67 (current monthly max)

Scenario 2 (partial 401k contribution): Net monthly paycheck + whatever you're contributing monthly

This is what convinced me to max it back when I was earning less.

It's the one with Poppie, where Jerry casually brings up abortion and that leads to Poppie arguing with Elaine and the whole restaurant clearing out.