Top idea. Fluffy and sensible. Would be a great change. Rolling that 2+ for shoot on death only ever leads to feels bad moments.

Montka is super good. Lethals and assault weapons. Means the hammerheads are going to zoom along see your vehicles, they'll then hit on 2s, wound on 2s with a reroll of either and punch straight through your armour. Meanwhile breachers are jumping out of an advancing devilfish and pumping out 30 shots deleting your infantry and bullgryns. Meanwhile riptides are fluking their 4+ invun everytime and piranhas are up in your face turn 1. My last game I lost to tau by 1 point and I'm still pretty salty.

Yeah, I 100 pointed my last scorched earth with hidden supplies. Definitely works well with multiple squads.

And only 1 reinforcements now so cp to spare.

Same here. He's my bullgryn bodyguard for my commander.

I sleep in a big bed with my wife.

I'm picturing Milhouse's Dad.

Mathhammer question with ordersTactics & Strategy

Anyone know what the best order for a blob of cadians is? I'm running two plasma, two melta and two autoguns. Would it be better to take aim or frfsrf now with the new rules? Would adding a castellan change this up at all with getting sustained on 6s?

Why does it apply in overwatch now? Isn't it a case of rules outside of turn order? Like how you can't overwatch out the top of a chimera?

Her name's Naisy if you're looking on twitch.

I take two squads in a reasonably fluffy list. They're handy for infiltrating and stopping scout moves. If my opponent doesn't have any of that I keep one squad in the back corner to move shoot move harrass characters but staying within the corner for investigate signals. The other squad I throw forward for early point control. I can count on one hand the number of characters they've killed though.

Would love to play a list like this. Just not sure I want to buy and paint up another 4 chimeras.

Infantry Squads GoingDiscussion

With ranged cultists getting removed I think our regular infantry squads are in trouble come codex time. What do we think?

Are your scout sentinels that 3d print "ice walker" models?

I personally hope they get rid of the tank commander datasheet entirely and make it an upgrade to any tank.

Yep. I have my lord commander leaning out the hatch of an old school sentinel. It's a similar size and clearly shows a power sword and gun. He's yet to earn a name for himself though.

I struggle the most against custodes. If they can roll 4ups I'm done.

Thanks man, I was playing this wrong. What about the wounds from failing the hazardous psychic attack? That's what my poor psyker really needs.

Sites of power is rough as guard. I've never won a game playing it.

Yeah man, same here. Unded up in the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack, was just a bad panic attack. Freaking out over headaches and thinking every spot on my skin is cancer. Therapy is definitely helping though.