Thinking that anyone else...really...gave a shit about me.

It was a liberating revelation.

That was 55 years ago and I haven't taken ONE Goddamned Prisoner since.

I highly recommend it.

It's a quaint notion that we thought there was any meaning in it.

We're faced with the reality that the real issue is NOT petrol vs. electricity, but rather the future of personal transportation in a world headed toward eight billion potential drivers.

The highways are an expensive and crowded shit-show.

Check out side views of Miguel Induráin when in competition, with arguably the biggest VO2-Max ever recorded.

He looks pregnant, but it's a Big Breathing Bellows...

My .45 ACP auto loader.

I'm not a natural gun guy, but since you asked...

Nothing improves confidence in a dangerous environment like significant firepower.

Ah... the Holy Grail of getting paid for no effort.

Many have sought it, few have succeeded.

The streets are lined with the ragged refuge of those who failed, waiting for handouts and a blanket.


That man's appeal to the Fucked Over Men of this nation transcends any and all issues of delivery, sanity, and logic.

The issue isn't his insanity.

The issue is the destruction of the way thIngs are...EVEN if it requires blood.

Be prepared to live with what's coming.

It won't be pretty.

I've literally stood on a SC Waffle House and saw another one!

"Care to put that question in writing? My lawyer and HR would take an interest in this conversation."

You're on your own.

Tattoo that on the inside of your eyelids.

Does a bear wear a funny hat?

Does the Pope shit in the woods?

Hell YES, I like it!!

More than once when I'm clothes shopping...

She: "Aw Honey, don't be like that. You need some new pants."

He: [Hasn't combed his hair in weeks and has a beer gut ] "MmfgootGerr..."

She: "That's not true. Your pants are wearing out 'n we're going to Heather's wedding next week."

He: "Hrrrmph..."

She: "This shirt would look good on you. PLEASE try it on. AW, Plèeeeeeeze Honey?"


Me: With this many man-childs in the world, there's no excuse a guy can't get laid just by being a minimally competent adult male.

Control over events.

Nope. Control is Delusion.

I find at 73 that a Zen detachment from expected outcomes to be adaptive.

No opinion either way.

I'm just sayin' the plea to democracy arises out of weakness.

Really tho', after 2024 we're kissing the Republic goodbye... a quaint memory.

"Damn, son. Isn't life hard enough already?"

"But thanks for letting me know." As if it wasn't already obvious for ten years, but never mind.

As any Party in power will remind you, the US is a republic and any expectation of democracy is downright unpatriotic.

Of course, that tune changes when the electoral college is screwing them over.

The tendency toward decreased muscle mass and increased fat with age is well understood.

So, yes...but all that means is we're forewarned of the reality.

The challenge is to accept both the challenge and the reality.

This shit ain't easy.

The tendency toward decreased muscle mass and increased fat with age is well understood.

So, yes...but all that means is we're forewarned of the reality.

The challenge is to accept both the challenge and the reality.

This shit ain't easy.

Easy train ride from Bologna...among the best examples of Justinian era mosaics anywhere.

Ravenna for a whiff of the Eastern Empire...