Why would I hold my breath for months? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø

Just imagine that feeling for a sec. Imagine being in that coffin and towards the last few hours or perhaps minutes and the draw the final straw and itā€™s the short straw ā˜ ļø. Imagine that feeling, the feeling that you know youā€™re going to die and you cannot do anything or call anyone. Time will go by and you will not know what time it is. You will hallucinate and starve to death. You will sit in your own feces, urine and you have to keep smelling/breathing it in.

I nailed a piece of wood onto something and someone stole the wood. Left the nail tho thankfully.

So you can skip the fart scene. Many people donā€™t like fart scenes and have fart ptsd. Itā€™s very helpful. More games should have this option tbh.

Same. Stuck on Messmer and dang heā€™s hard lol. But being a mage itā€™s easier to die. Just need someone as a distraction since most bosses wonā€™t keep their distance lol.

IMO they look worse. The steelies donā€™t look like plastic like these ones do. To each their own but I absolutely love the steelies lol.

Iā€™ll give you $100 for it. Seems like it barely functions and Iā€™ll take it off your hands.

No itā€™s not lol pizza is expensive. Free pizza is awesome. I work 85 hours a week for minimum wage and every year we get a pizza party. Totally worth it.

Sorry that was me. I got too excited and need to release.

Well those scenes definitely but I donā€™t I really liked their group and was rooting for them lol. They were actually trying to do something good and we donā€™t see actual good people like that in show other than big bad people. But, those scenes are very impactful and honestly wouldā€™ve added so much to the story. We never really saw everyone in the same room when Shane was alive. Rick seeing how Shane is to the group or vice versa since both of them are trying to be the leader of the group. Sure there were a couple snippets of Rick and Shane and everyone but not as personal as this was. The table scene when they were in the bunker I severely enjoyed because it was everyone all together seeing everyone talk and bond vs these three talking or these two.

No one knows. But, in a deleted scene Rick went back and everyone was slaughtered. Iā€™m glad they took it out because they left it up to imagination.

Not a bed bug. Iā€™ve had them and thatā€™s not what they look like. This is more of a beetle than a bed bug.

Oh heck yeah. Do you play video games? If youā€™re off work early more time for Elden ring dlc šŸ˜‚.

Oh dang thatā€™s not bad at all. I shouldā€™ve gotten some upgrades lol. Thank you for responding!!!!

Oh sick!!! May I ask you.. how much did yours cost? I ordered mine custom and rushed unfortunately since I really needed a car and just wanted it quick. Mine was 27 with added lane keeping. I shouldā€™ve gotten the towing package but was dumb lol and didnā€™t get a liner.

Waitā€¦. How are your rims not the steelies if yours is a XL?

2010 they added sales tax to their stores.

PlayStation hasnā€™t always had taxes. Iā€™ve had PlayStation all my life and the ps4 store never had taxes. Youā€™d buy a $20 card and that was everything. It was very helpful since I wasnā€™t able to use my parents cards for money and would buy the card and never needed extra for tax.