I guess what I am reading is Biden has immunity too. Seems like Dark Brandon should be able to come up with something like - I don’t know telling Democrats to storm Mar-I-lago. Maybe outlaw red hats…..oh maybe a MAGA tax for all the taxpayer costs to clean up their crazy messes.

Why is Op fixated on what the 16 YO is doing only?

It seems like OP you are resentful of your new daughter in law and of her child. To be clear YOUR SON lost his business and YOUR SON lost his house. He owns how he lost those assets and the inordinate blame on the daughter in law is misplaced.

You have decided to allow your son and his family live with you which is very generous. I suggest you work out with him and your daughter in law the terms of the free room and board and allow them to split that work up between the three people that comprise your son’s family.

Nothing about the situation is the 16 YOs fault and worse it seems like you believe that you are entitled to decide how she spends her time as a condition of her living there- a choice she did not make. How a school aged minor spends her time is between her and her parents no landlord gets to dictate that, and to be clear you are a landlord.

Once you give your son a list of what you expect for your largesse, allow him and your dil to decide who in their family will be doing that work. Do not involve yourself in that family dynamic. If you can’t reach agreement with them or the agreed upon conditions are not met, evict them. Your other choice is to instead loan them money with repayment terms and get them out of your house. I think this would be the best option. Your son is a mooch and you are too resentful of your son’s wife and stepchild for this to work for long.

I do above the fireplace. I’d also do a matching built in on the other side of the fireplace

What is wrong with you? A person asks for help and not only do you not offer any you utterly lack compassion and suggest he give away the bright spots in his life.

What is the opposite of Minnesota nice?

Agree, you are a burden on your parents. You literally have enough to buy a house, go back to school or do a job search where to make more. At a minimum carve out a couple thousand and talk to a therapist. You need help with you defeatist attitude - possibly you are depressed. It’s not fair to your parents to continue to be a burden with that kind of money.

Especially with the motorized bikes on the walking paths. Someone’s going to seriously hurt someone.

Yeah, by all means, you the entitled driver, should continue to break the law while I stand in a crosswalk in freezing weather. Geez, just follow the law and stop for pedestrians.

Maybe I am misunderstanding you. Are you suggesting people not stop for pedestrians? The ones stopping are the only ones following the law. I don’t think the answer is for all drivers to break the law and leave pedestrians just standing there.

I have a high school by my house and between new drivers and distracted parents running late it’s the only intersection I go to that I am consistently afraid of. The police or city must have noticed too because in the summer they put out those bendy “pedestrians have the right of way” signs in the intersection.

Agree I can’t believe the number of super rude bikers. It’s so infuriating.

My mom lives in a tourist town in South Carolina with lots of pedestrians - they literally need to put lights on every intersection because the drivers will not stop. It’s super rude.

Pedestrian always have the right of way. They do know what they are doing.

There are way too many people in the metro that do not stop for people in the crosswalk. Some of them are terrifying.

OP is asking if she is an AH. She has stolen a relationship between the child and her mom for years. There is no fixing this situation without some discomfort. I hope the teen mom lawyers up. OP is not fit to be a human much less a mom.

Letting the minor parents decide what they want to do and not dangling $130000 in coercion money in front of them.

You are a monster. I hope the teen mom lawyers up and sues you for coercion.

Surrogacy you are paying a legal adult for the time, energy and commitment to house an embryo for 9 months. You are not buying a human.