Poltergeist and Fright Night. I was so excited to see those when they came out, I want that back.

Definitely. Get rid of the pot rack first. Paint the walls and ceiling. That modern design doesn't go with the white.
Neat idea. Pretty wood. I like the mix of woods.

Excused absences are looked down upon, too. To the employer, it's still missed days that people had to cover for you, and you could be seen as prone to illness/injury so you're not a good gamble to them. It's shitty, but not unique.

Plus we have a large medical center so jobs for social workers and psych nurses, we have the Oregon State Hospital for the same. And we're the Capitol, so state agencies based here, and Marion County government jobs too. I'd guess it's got better job opportunities for OP than most of the other towns mentioned, and not as cramped and traffic-icky as Portland metro. But still close to Portland, the beach and the mountains when you want them.

If you turn the 9 sideways it kinda looks like a 10, so that means it's 100%!

It's not weird, it's that same for us. I just get bored, and it looks pretty good and is functional.
Our kitchen: maybe 60%. Need to put in new countertops and paint one more cupboard. Oh, and finish covering the ceiling with the planks. 2 year project so far. Bathroom: tiny spot needs piece of tile cut, and tiny piece of wood trim. 1 year ago. Living room: flooring purchased 2 years ago still stacked in the office. Carpet pulled up 4 years ago.
Tv room: still needs baseboards around fireplace from new floor we put in. 2 years ago.

We did the garage! OK, like 85% but that's amazing and fairly functional. Good enough!!! Camping stuff in labeled boxes, food in cabinets (got donated old kitchen cabinets), shelves loaded. Now to get the dog pee smell out....just kinda "finished" this weekend, so super excited.

Let's fight for that AFTER we get trump out of the running. Focus on NO TRUMP for the next few months. Biden is too old, but at least he doesn't want what Trump and his people want.

Let's fight the DNC AFTER the election. Let's get Trump out of the politely arena first.

I am struck by your view that deciding not to write someone up is a "reward". Maybe managers who actually give a damn about the humans that work for them actually reward people for the good things they do for you, instead of considering holding back punishment as a reward. And do some actual research on positive reinforcement.

If I'm there as a cheap alternative to a hotel, or part of a group, I don't care much, I'm one of those 40. If I'm out to relax at my site, I go to state or national forest campgrounds, and usually try to scout out for the ones with lots of space between each one. And camp during the week. Or, just go the week of the biggest mosquito and may fly hatch of the decade. You'll be very isolated.

Cars create traffic. People create traffic. Thinking v you need to get there 3 minutes sooner causes accidents. You still have the option to not tailgate and lane jump, closing the safe drive spacing. Yes, someone somewhere is causing a slow down, but it's the lane jumpers that will cause the accidents.

I can't keep safe spacing if some douchebag from three cars behind me zips forwards to move in front of me. Yippee, you're now still going the same speed as the rest of us and forced me to slow down everyone behind me.

I hate edging. Looks crappy eventually. I'd go with a like of flat pavers, like brick width, even with the lawn bed. Then you have a nice flat surface for the mower wheels, too.

Yeah, I seriously doubt this is any medical professional. No gloves, the eye is filthy with crappy mascara, that false eyelash is falling off, letting the contacts just sit there on her eyelid and smile for the camera...disgusting.

Even with these programs, people without homes are going to remain without homes. They're still fucked. These programs are not new, so why are people still on the streets or living 10 people to one apartment? Because while this list may look impressive, once you look at what these groups actually accomplish, it comes up short. I appreciate what they do, but until the housing authority actually uses their money to build and fund more housing, the problem is going to stay.

Absolutely yes. And don't take "no" for an answer. Also make sure the discharge planning team has set up Home Health so the therapy continues at home. This will give her customized therapy and caregiver training to her environment. This will be the most valuable training you can get.

Absolutely yes. Make them do it. Then make sure they facility discharge planning team has set up Home Health so she can get therapy continuing in the home. Then the therapy and caregiver training is customized to her home environment.

I had an HOA once for 4 years. Minimal involvement, really low dues (like 200 for the year). No cars on cider blocks. You had to keep your house a certain color and could only have black iron fencing in front, but I was fine with that. Other houses we looked at were no-go's for us because of the neighbors and their car lots or garbage piles.

No. They both are. Dad was responsible for the relationship he had when OP was at home, and certainly damage has been done, but now they both have responsibility if they want it to be different. OP is a grown up, and dad is older.

Toddlers can travel just fine. It takes a little prep and creativity to keep them entertained, but of you your child to have a grandpa, make it happen.

OP seems to be upset with lack of contact from Grandpa. If he didn't care, he wouldn't be upset. If he wants his son to have a relationship with his grandpa, that is his responsibility and he can work on that. Travel with a toddler is certainly possible, not that big of a deal.

Brass laser cut ornaments when available, and shot glasses. Sturdy and small.